Blasting Smite (5e Feat)

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Blasting Smite

Prerequisites: Pact of the Blade class feature, character level 15, Eldritch Blast cantrip
You have learned to use your eldritch power in melee combat. Any time that you cast Eldritch Blast, you can choose to instead channel it into your pact weapon, empowering it with energy. Roll the damage of the spell, as if you had hit with every beam of that cast. The next successful attack that you make with the weapon deals an additional amount of damage equal to the damage you rolled, of a damage type that the pact weapon can deal. If the pact weapon can deal multiple types of damage, you choose which damage type the additional damage is considered. If you do not make a successful attack with the pact weapon for two turns after empowering it, you must sacrifice a spell slot, or take the damage stored within the weapon, as the energy becomes unstable and backfires.

Multiple eldritch blasts can be stored within a pact weapon at a time, but the time before each instance of extra damage becomes unstable and backfires is tracked separately. If you charge an Eldritch Blast into your weapon on one turn, do not make any successful attacks, then store another Eldritch Blast on the next turn, each of those Blasting Smites will backfire seperately, two turns after they were put into your pact weapon.

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