Banefull Waters Shikigami (Jujutsu Kaisen Suplement)
Banefull Waters[edit]
huge swarm of Medium monstrosities (shikigami), unaligned Armor Class 19 (Natural armor, Scales Of The Sea)
Saving Throws Str +14, Dex +10, Wis +8 Invisible Force. The Shikigami is entirely made out of cursed energy, meaning it cannot be seen by normal people. Creatures without levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class or who cannot see into the ethereal plane cannot see it. Although, if these creatures were in a life and death situation (less than half their maximum hit points), they gain the ability to see the Shikigami. Cursed Energy. The Banefull Waters Shikigami has 52 cursed energy that it can use to fuel it's abilities. All of it's cursed energy is replenished at the end of a long rest. Cursed Energy Recovery. The Banefull Waters Shikigami regains 1 cursed energy at the beginning of it's turns. Magical Weapons. The Shikigami's attacks are considered magical. Human Wall. The shikigami has advantage on Constitution saving throws. Swim Through Earth. The shikigami can swim through earth and stone as if it was water. While doing so, the shikigami doesn't disturb the material it moves through. If the shikigami escapes melee range by diving into the waters, it provokes opportunity attacks as normal, but if it's already submerged it doesn't provoke opportunity attacks. Strong Body. The Shikigami reduces all non-magical damage except psychic or thunder by 4. Colossal Physique. The Banefull Waters Shikigami can add it's proficiency bonus to all Strength checks even if it was already adding it before. When the shikigami lands a successful melee attack, it can force the target to make a DC 20 Strength saving throw . On a failure, the target is knocked back a distance of 90ft. If they hit an object, structure, or creature, both take 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet traveled. If the target is another creature, both take half its damage roll. On a critical hit, the target automatically fails and is knocked back twice the distance. Brawn/Endurance. Whenever the Banefull Waters Shikigami makes a Strength or Constitution saving throw, it takes half as much damage on a failure and no damage on a success. Monstrosity Once per turn when the Banefull Waters Shikigami does an attack that does Piercing damage, it then may get advange on the target, if the shikigami is a size larger. If the shikigami is 2 or more sizes larger it then gain +2 to the attack roll. Multi Headed The Banefull Waters Shikigami has 5 heads it gain advantage on Wisdom ( Perception) checks regarding smell, sound or sight. When the shikigami makes a melee weapon attack it may spend up to 12 Cursed Energy, Per 4 cursed energy spent another head will then repeat that action it may do the same for ranged weapon attacks but then it becomes 6 cursed energy per another head will repeat that action ( The extra head also needs to pay the cursed energy cost for the ranged weapon attacks). This will not work on Multi Attack, Water Bomb or Collective Strike. The Shikigami may do this once each turn. The shikigami gain 2 extra reactions to do the following features (Snap Back, Cold Scales and Block) as only one head has attacked last turn. Scales Of The Sea The shikigami is covered in blue cold scales. When the shikigami takes the Dive reaction it gains +3 to all Dexterity checks, but -3 to all Strength saves. Born To Hunt While a creature is in a 15ft range of the shikigami and has taken damage by Bite or Strike last turn, it will gain disadvantage on curse ranged attack rolls Under Water Combat The Shikigami is used to the harsh waters and primarily hunts in them, it gain +3 to all Dexterity saving throw while it is half or fully submerged in a body of water. It does not need to breath air to live, it can breath under water. Seasonal Predator The Shikigami is so used to the cold that it have adapted to the ice biomes of the world, and the shikigami have become a beast of the cold. The shikigami is immune to Cold damage and once each turn when it lands a successful melee attack, the hit creature will make a DC20 Constitution saving throw not to be Chilled until the end of the shikigamis next turn. Whenever it hits a Chilled, Partially Frozen or a Frozen creature it will deal and extra 10 (1d6+6) Cold damage. ACTIONSMulti Attack The shikigami performs three Strikes or two Strike and one Bites. Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d6 + 8) Bludgeoning damage. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 25 (3d10 + 8) Piercing damage. Collective Strike(6 Cursed Energy) The Shikigami makes 5 Strikes for every Strike that lands, the shikigami will do 7 Bludgeoning damage more. And for every one that misses, the shikigami will make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw not to lose its bonus action and reactions for that turn. Water Bomb(22 Cursed Energy) The Banefull Waters Shikigami creates a orb of sea water above itself. It then rolls a d12 on the Water Bomb Table. The shikigami may only use Water bomb three times per long rest. When ever the Banefull Waters Shikigami has rolled the d12, it may use up to 6 cursed energy to gain +1 on the roll per three cursed energy spent. After the shikigami has performed this move it makes a DC18 Intelligence saving throw, if it fails it becomes Confused until the end of its next turn. Water Bomb Table
Wave Crash(3-12 Cursed Energy).' The Banefull Waters Shikigami creates a wave of water, in a 25ft cone in front of it, every creature inside makes a DC20 Dexterity saving throw On fail they take 2d6 cold damage and 2d4 Bludgeoning damage per 3 cursed energy spent, if they use the maximum amount of cursed energy then all creatures will also make a DC20 Constitution saving throw not to be Chilled for 1 minute. On a successful they take half and does not make the saving throw. Heavy Slam The shikigami twists two heads together then slams then on a target thats within 10 ft range, the target makes a DC20 Dexterity saving throw, if they fail they take 20 (3d6+9) Bludgeoning damage and then makes a DC20 Strength or a DC20 Dexterity saving throw not to be prone until the end of their next turn. If the target was Chilled, Partially Frozen or a Frozen they will then take double damage and lose the condition. Water Jet(4 Cursed Energy). Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 25 (3d10 + 8) Piercing damage + 11 (3d6) Cold damage. BONUS ACTIONSProtector's Stance(1-22 Cursed Energy) The shikigami hardens its skin and enhance its senses for 1 minute. For the duration, the shikigami will gain a damage reduction equal to double the amount spent, and its movement speed is halved. The shikigami may end this stance at any time for no action required. Whenever it gets hit by a melee attack, it will be able to make a melee attack against the attacker as a reaction. Additionally, for the duration it will gain one additional reaction just to use this feature. REACTIONSDive(1-5 cursed Energy) The shikigami submerges in the body of water under it. For every 1 cursed energy it spends one more head will go under water. And it will gain +1 AC. After Dive is used it stays under water, keeping the AC bonus but wont be able to take actions, bonus actions or reactions. To come out of Dive it then must use a bonus action or action. Then it must wait 2 turns until it can use Dive again. Snap Back Upon a creature moving in a 10ft radius around the shikigami, one of the head will be able to lash out at the creature with its teeth. The target makes a DC20 Dexterity saving throw not to be restrained until its next turn, as long as the target is restrained the shikigami won't be able to use 'Collective Strike or Water Bomb, but it will be able to use the other actions, bonus actions and reactions, but the shikigami will only have 4 more heads for any feature that cares about that. Cold Scales(3 Cursed Energy) The Shikigami hardens its scales on its body, giving it +5 to Strength saves and + 1 AC. 'Block When a creature makes s successfull attack roll against the shikigami, the shikigami can then use Block to gain +3 AC, but it reduces its walking and swimming speed by 25ft until the creatures next turn. |
The Banefull Waters Shikigami is a swarm of Sea dragons that is submerged in a body of water. This shikigami is very strong and has the power in its numbers. Feats this is the Banefull Waters Shikigami's feats Athlete History, Colossal Physique, Strong Body, Human Wall, Resilient, Very Resistant Improved Durabillity the shikigami uses the Improved Durabillity rule
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