Avariel Raptor (5e Feat)

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Avariel Raptor

Prerequisites: Avariel Elf
Your Avariel Elf’s extensive experience with flying has bestowed a number of benefits that have enhanced your abilities over time:

• +1 to your Wisdom Ability score;

• You become an expert in one skill in which you are already proficient

• Speed and agility: This feat affects Avarial Elves by adding +20 to their flying speed, + 2 to acrobatic skill checks.

• You get a +5 on any skill check involving flying, jumping, or swoop attacks.

• Advantage against all opportunity attacks when you take flight to disengage or during surprise attacks against you while flying.

• Glide to Earth. If you are attacked while flying and knocked out or paralyzed, your wings' spread and your body glides in a spiral preventing fall damage.

• Flying Stealth: when flying at a height of 30 feet you enjoy advantage on stealth checks. If flying at 50 feet or higher, you can react to ranged attacks by anticipating their trajectory, giving your enemy a disadvantage on ranged attacks with weapons or magic.

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