Aura Master (5e Feat)

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Aura Master

Prerequisites: Ability to cast Auras of Life, Purity, and Vitality
Your divine presence is particularly bless among your allies, lending you almost mythic quality to your demeanor when you choose to let it loose.

  • The maximum duration of Aura of Vitality is increased to 5 minutes.
  • The maximum radiuses of Auras of Life, Purity, and Vitality are increased to 60ft.
  • While maintaining Auras of Life, Purity, or Vitality, gain +1 to concentration saving throws for each non-hostile creature within 60ft, to a maximum of your proficiency bonus
  • Once per cast of Auras of Life, Purity, or Vitality, you may use your reaction to grant a creature within 60ft immunity to magical damage until their next turn. Cannot be cast on yourself.
  • While maintaining Auras of Life, Purity, or Vitality, gain resistance to radiant damage.

(one vote)

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