Atlas' Vengeance (5e Trap)

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Atlas' Vengeance[edit]

Mechanical Trap

This trap is located in a large, square room about 50 wide, with treasure chests all over the room. In the center of the room, there is a large statue of a man holding the ceiling on his shoulders. The ceiling has ornate carvings of the sun, the moon, the stars, and the clouds, and the statue has weathered text on it.

A successful DC18 Intelligence check reveals that the writing reads "He who takes the treasure takes with him the burden of Atlas.". If a treasure chest is opened, the statue sinks into the floor and the ceiling begins to fall, and the creature who opened the chest must succeed on a DC13 Strength saving throw or all creatures in the room take 4d12 Bludgeoning damage. If the creature succeeds, that creature is trapped and cannot go on, as they must hold up the ceiling.

A few rooms later, there is a lever to reset the trap, and the trapped person is set free.

(2 votes)

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