Arrow Legion (5e Creature)
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Arrow Legion[edit]
Medium aberration, neutral Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Saving Throws Dex +4, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +3 Limited Telepathy. The legion can magically communicate simple ideas, emotions, and images telepathically with its master. Magic Weapons. The legion's attacks are magical. ACTIONSMultiattack. The legion makes two attacks with its Bow and Arrow. Bow and Arrow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage. Air Shot. The legion fires a series of shots along the astral chain. When using this ability, make a ranged weapon attack against each hostile creature along the path of the astral chain. Slow Shot (Recharge 5-6). The legion fires an arrow overflowing with energy that erupts in a 15-foot sphere within 60 feet of the Legionis. Each creature within the sphere must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 13 (3d8) force damage, has its movement speed reduced to 5 feet, and cannot take reactions for the next minute. A creature that is under this effect may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turn to end it. On a successful save, they take half damage and suffer no other effects. The DC is 8 + proficiency + your Wisdom modifier.
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