Arcanus Infinium (3.5e Equipment)

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Arcanus Infinium[edit]

The Arcanus Infinium is a compilation of seven books. These books were created by a long-lost civilization, and were composed with the knowledge of the true nature of the world and its elements. To possess one of the Arcanus Infinium is to possess the element itself, and to possess all seven is fabled to allow the user to govern the laws of the world as they see fit.

While each Infinium is different, they do share certain rules. The first is that there can only be one owner of a book at a time, and the bond is only broken if the owner dies. The second is each Infinium comes with it's own caster level, which is equal to half your character level. The third is you can only use the caster level you gain from the Infinium to cast the evocation spells that it grants you. Any existing caster level you have is not counted towards the Infinium's required caster levels for it's spells, nor does it's granted caster level count for any spells outside the Infinium.

  • Et Ignis Vitae: The book of fire. Grants the ability to control fire where it is present in a 100 foot radius, and in accordance with the amount present. Also grants immunity to fire, and access all fire based evocation spells as long as you have the necessary caster level. User also gains +5 to their Strength.
  • Orbis Aquæ: The book of water. Grants the ability to control water where it is present in a 50 foot radius, and in accordance with the amount present. Also grants immunity to cold, and access all water based evocation spells as long as you have the necessary caster level. You gain the ability to breathe underwater, and user also gains +3 to their Wisdom.
  • Fulguri Ligans: The book of lightning. Grants the ability to control electricty where it is present in a 30 foot radius, and in accordance with the amount present. Also grants immunity to electricity, and access all electricity based evocation spells as long as you have the necessary caster level. User also gains +5 to their Charisma.
  • Aeris Contorsionem: The book of air. Grants the ability to control air where it is present in a 25 foot radius, and in accordance with the amount present. Also grants immunity to sonic, and access all Sonic based evocation spells as long as you have the necessary caster level. You gain the ability to fly at half your base land speed with perfect maneuverability, and user also gains +3 to their Dexterity.
  • Finis Terrae: The book of earth. Grants the ability to not be impeded by rough or difficult terrain, and gain tremor-sense for 40 feet. Also grants natural armor based on your natural Constitution modifier, and access all earth based evocation spells as long as you have the necessary caster level. You gain +10 to your base land speed, and user also gains +5 to their Constitution.
  • Divina Visione: The Sight Of God. Gain the ability of Gods Sight, which allows you to see anything in a 100 foot radius, even if your vision were to be obscured. You may use this ability 5 times a day, and up to 3 minutes at a time. You also gain the ability to interact with anything that you can see and is actually within your physical limits; (e.g., You see a rock the size of your fist 50 feet away. You can "pick it up" from where you stand, and it is moved as if being picked up by an invisible hand, and then throw it in the opposite direction to distract a guard.). You also gain Holy Aura as a constant effect, and can turned on or off with a swift action. Also grants and access all divination based spells as long as you have the necessary caster level. User also gains +3 to their Intelligence.
  • Libro Mortuorum: The Book of the Dead. You are healed by negative energy, as well as by positive. You gain a frightful presence of 60 feet with a dc save of 25+(Half HD of the character), and gain the ability to control five additional undead, of maximum HD of 20, that dont count to the maximum undead one can control. Also grants and access all necromancy based spells as long as you have the necessary caster level. User also gains a +8 to their leadership score, but only pertaining to undead followers.

If all seven books are owned by one person, they will combine into one book and form the true Arcanus Infinium. The owner will gain the bonuses of all the books, with a couple of bonuses. You gain a bonus to spellcrafting equal to half the total caster levels gained from all the Infinium books. The other bonus is all the stat bonuses granted by the Infinium books is doubled.

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