Apprentice's Staff (3.5e Equipment)

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Apprentices' Staff: This long copper staff has quite a few simple runes etched upon it.

This simple copper staff was first made by the twelve as a way to help younger wizards have a staff of their own. Now this staff is commonplace. This staff allows the use of the following spells:

A newly crafted staff has 50 charges. One found as part of treasure has 5d10 charges.

Moderate; (DC 19) Varied ; CL 8th; Craft Staff, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation, Resistance, Open/Close, Ghost Sound; Cost 15,750gp, 1260 XP, 31 Days; Activation: Standard; Weight: 4 lb. lb.; Market Price: 31,500 gp

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