Anakes-town City (4e Environment)

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City of Anakes-town

(White Quarter Moon over Red Triangle)

Population: 7,000+

Anakes-town is an almost exclusive Tiefling in population. It is one of the three Tiefling cities united in a trade and defense alliance that display the united banner of a white quarter moon over a red triangle. Anakes-town adds the archaic symbol for snake inside the red triangle.

Geographic Area[edit]

Imports, Exports, and Resources[edit]

The economy is in ruins with the long war. Before the war, the average monthly wage was 2 gold pieces (the basic pay of the army). Now, the average monthly wage is 1 gold piece (the basic pay of the army). Before the war, magic items were more available as a market item in the major cities (most items of level 1 through 5). Now, the availability of magic items is rare. There are no magic item stores or merchants (only 1st level items are available, when a magic item can be found to buy).


The city is founded by Priest Chant of the Tiefling Demigod Unity. From its founding, the goal is isolation of the Tiefling culture and the rebuilding of a military might to reclaim and reestablish the Tiefling kingdom of Chi-han-sis. In the First Epoch, over 5,000 years ago, Tiefling Kingdom of Chi-han-sis is a coastal plain empire on the west coast. Its capital city of Sawhaj sits on the coast with a road to the south to the city of Akhmim, a road to the north to Tallah, and a road along the coast going north-west to the city of Bani. Chi-han-sis fights on three fronts with Hydrasaeu (Dragonborn kingdom), Theaven (Elven kingdom), and Umerikah (Human kingdom).


Anakes-town is a militocracy, government headed by the military leaders and the armed forces in general. The civil leader and military leader is the Supreme Commander Amnon Goodquest the Death Warlock. The Chant Castle is the fortress and seat of the government.

There is a 2 gold pieces tax on all merchandise bought or sold, also there is a 10 gold pieces gateway tax on all travel into the city. No mounts and no weapons of any kind are permitted within the city.

The law of the land is the Sixteen Laws. In 1684 DY, the librarian, a Centaur wizard named Ur-Nammuh the Just Judge, codified the Sixteen Laws of Umerijah, later to be known as the Sixteen Laws of Ur-Nammuh. The Sixteen Laws were broken into four categories much later. The four categories are crimes against people, crimes against fair-trade, crimes against government, and crimes against order.


The population is almost completely Tiefling with some Humans, Halflings, and Gnomes. The fashion of the day favors dark reds with small spikes resembling the classic look of the ancient Tiefling Empire.

Key Locations & People[edit]

Important Places

  1. The Chant Castle is the fortress and seat of the government. Anakes-town is a militocracy, government headed by the military leaders and the armed forces in general.
  2. The Chant Temple and Monastery with 10+ clerics (dedicated to the Tiefling Demigod Unity, whose symbol is a spiked shield).
  3. The Moving Seasons Temple is dedicated to Pegay, Theros, Phthino, and Cheimon. It is a temple, monastery, and library with 15+ clerics.

Important People

Amnon Goodquest the Death Warlock is the civil leader and military leader known as the Supreme Commander.

Hope Tallah the Faithful is the High Priest of the Chant Temple and Monastery.

Morthos Akhimin is the leader of the Circle Warriors, the personal guard of the Supreme Commander. They are Tiefling Fighters and Warlords who wear a silver circle like a crown with Chi-han-sis inscribed on it.

Institutions & Organizations[edit]

Guilds and Brotherhoods: There are several international organizations that transcend culture and race. Almost none of the international organizations are present.

Warrior Circle: The Circle Warriors are the personal guard of the Supreme Commander. They are Tiefling Fighters and Warlords who wear a silver circle like a crown with Chi-han-sis inscribed on it. The leader of the Circle Warrior is Morthos Akhimim.

Temple/Worship: The Moving Seasons Temple is dedicated to Pegay, Theros, Phthino, and Cheimon. It is a temple, monastery, and library with 15+ clerics. In Anakes-town is the Chant Temple and Monastery with 10+ clerics (dedicated to the Tiefling Demigod Unity, whose symbol is a spiked shield). The High Priest Hope Tallah the Faithful is the leaders of the Temple and Monastery.

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