Amulet of Luck (Lesser) (3.5e Equipment)
Amulet of Luck (Lesser): The Amulet of Luck can be made of almost any small piece of material, like an animal tooth, a bunch of feathers or a small symbol made of some cheap metal, and is often attached to a cord or a string of leather or sinew. You can buy them from the more competent fortune tellers, herb women or shamans in your area.
Most of the time such an amulet is worn around the neck to be easily in reach, but this is no requirement. It just has to be touched intentionally with a hand (or paw, or tentacle, or similar) to be activated. So an Amulet of Luck does not interfere with other magical amulets, and more than one of them can be worn at the same time. A touch will nevertheless only activate one of the amulets (which is not already burned out). If relevant, the owner may choose which of the available amulets is activated.
When activated by an intended touch, which is a free action if the amulet is easily in reach, it gives the owner a +5 luck bonus for the next skill roll, saving throw or attack roll, burning out after that. A burned out Amulet of Luck is just a mundane item.
A burned out or fake amulet can be distinguished from a functional one by examining it for one full round and passing a Spellcraft DC 10, or a Wisdom check with DC 15, if the character has used such an amulet in the past. Otherwise the DC is increased by 5. A failure by 10 or more gives the wrong answer, on other failures the character is unsure. Of course a Detect Magic spell can be used to reliably analyze amulets.
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, True Strike; Cost 25 gp + 2 XP, 1 day; Activation: Touch; Weight: — lb.; Market Price: 50 gp
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