Alurcar (5e Subrace)

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This subrace is best utilized with the stamina and magic points variant rule found in the Hyrule module.

Alurcar Subrace[edit]

Malicious Undead[edit]

Creatures considered most profane by those of the light, Alurcar are humanoid creatures who have been corrupted by a nefarious force called Malice, which has transformed them into a half undead creature that must feed on the life energy of the living to survive. An Alurcar can come from any living race, and can often blend right in to most crowds without arousing suspicion. An Alurcar could be sitting right next to you, and you'd never even know.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity, Constitution or Charisma score increases by 1.

Forced to Feed. Your lust for life energy forces you to seek out the living. Three times per day, you must successfully damage a living creature with your Lifedrain feature. Failure to do so results in receiving 1 level of exhaustion the next morning. These levels of exhaustion stack, and 1 level is removed every time the Lifedrain feature is used.

Lifedrain Claws. You may use your bonus action to produce a set of long retractable claws made of bone from in between your fingers that can absorb the life energy of those cleaved with them. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 slashing damage. You add your Strength, Dexterity or Constitution modifier to the attack and damage rolls of the attack. They are counted as light weapons for the purpose of dual wielding. Attacks with these claws restores hit points equal to one fourth of the damage dealt. If you are below half hit points and your attacks with these claws miss, you may make an extra attack with your Lifedrain feature. In addition, you may traverse vertical planes as if under the effects of spider climb.

Lifedrain. Your fanged bite is a natural weapon, which counts as a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient. You add your Constitution modifier to the attack and damage rolls when you attack with this bite. You have advantage on attack rolls against grappled targets, and the attack hits automatically against charmed creatures (Though this breaks the condition, they remember nothing up until the point they were charmed). It deals 1d4 + your Constitution modifier piercing damage on a hit. While you are missing half or more of your hit points, this bite deals 1d6 + your Constitution modifier, and when at one fourth of your hit point maximum this attack deals 1d8 + your Constitution modifier. You regain hit, stamina or magic points equal to the damage dealt.

In addition, upon using your Lifedrain feature 7 days in a row, you may begin to spread your malice to other creatures you bite. Any creature you bite must make a DC 10 + your Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier Constitution save or be infected with malice. charmed creatures are immune to this effect, while sleeping or unconcious targets automatically fail. Targets bitten in this way have small, dark dots on their neck, and the area around the dots appears unnaturally pale (DC 10 + your proficiency bonus medicine or investigation check to notice them). If the target is not cured via a remove curse, hallow - everlasting rest or ceremony - funerary rite spell before the moon is in the sky, they are transformed into an Alurcar; gaining the benefits of this subrace and losing any non-essential racial benefits they had before (For example, a dryad would lose its Speak with Animals & Plants or Treestride features, but not its Inate Spellcasting or Fey Charm features, and a tiefling would lose its Hellish Resistance and Darkvision features, but not their Languages or Size. Player classes replace any ability score increases from their race with those of an Alurcar.).

Half Undead. You add undead to your current creature type. You also become immune to spells that would target your original creature type (Such as the hold person spell, which targets humanoids), and have advantage on saving throws that target or affect undead. In addition, you gain resistance to poison, cold and necrotic damage, and gain magical darkvision up to 60 ft.

In addition, this unnatural state of being has messed with your biology. Your natural age maximum multiplies by 5 (For example, a human would live up to 400 years on average), you no longer need to breathe or eat, and anything you drink is absorbed into your fangs. Any use of your Lifedrain feature nourishes you as if you had eaten a full meal (Though it can be used on fallen enemies to gain the same effect, minus the healing factor). You still need to sleep, but only for 6 hours in a dark environment. While asleep, you become indistinguishable from a corpse.

Inane Spellcasting. You may cast soul drain at will, and you may cast beguile person a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier. You regain all uses of this spell on a short or long rest.

Cursed. As it is through malice you gain strength, through malice you are undone. You gain vulnerability to silvered, fire and radiant damage. In addition, at the beginning of each day, you must make a Charisma saving throw. The DC is equal to 12 + the number of times you used your Lifedrain feature the previous day (If you have not fed the previous day or have just become an Alurcar, the DC is 14). If you fail three times, your alignment decreases by one stage (For example, a Lawful Good creature would become Neutral Good). This continues until you reach chaotic evil.

If you are chaotic evil (or have become chaotic evil through failing saving throws or other means), failing three saving throws results in your character completely falling to the malice. Your Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma ability scores fall to 5, and you become an NPC under the control of the DM. A Lesser Restoration spell will remove one of your failed saving throws, while a Greater Restoration spell will increase your alignment by one step (for example, a Lawful Evil creature would become Chaotic Neutral). Greater Restoration will also cause a feral character to regain their senses, returning them to a PC.

Universal Race Variant[edit]

This subrace does not quite work the same way as other subraces, as it can be gained from another Alurcar at any time. It can be applied to any race, including those which don't normally have subraces. If it is applied to a race that does have subraces, replace your subrace with this one. At your DM's discretion, you may keep features from your original subrace.

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