Alternate Progression (5e Feat)

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Alternative Progression

Prerequisites: Must have a multiclass or subclass
You see a glimpse into the future of your secondary class, using knowledge of your primary one to replicate it.

When you gain this feat, choose a feature from a class or subclass you have at least one level in. The level of this feature must be equal or less than the level of the class in which you have the most levels (Ex: a Wizard 4/Fighter 1 could use it to learn Action Surge, and a Wizard 8/Fighter 1 could use it to learn Improved Critical from Champion subclass).

If you gain the chosen feature again from leveling, it's instead replaced with an Ability Score Improvement, refunding the Alternate Progression feat.

This talent can be taken up to the number of proficiency bonuses.

(7 votes)

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