Alarming Presence (5e Feat)

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Alarming Presence

Once upon a time, you would send chills down someones spine. You don't know why, but some people are just afraid of you.

  • Every time you would make a Intimidation (Charisma) check you can instead use your highest ability score in the place of Charisma.
  • Any creature that meets you for the first time has to pass a DC 15 Insight (Wisdom) check, if they fail your automatically a threat to them.
  • Once per day you can force any creature in 40ft of you that can see, hear or smell you to roll a Wisdom saving throw against your Intimidation roll, if they fail they are paralyzed and frightened for 1 minute. If they succeed nothing happens. You get another use of this feature after a long or short rest.
(4 votes)

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