Air Blade Wielder, Variant (5e Feat)

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Air Blade Wielder, Variant

Prerequisites: Strength or Dexterity score of 15 or higher
This technique allows you to project strong bursts of cutting wind forward by performing an extremely fast strike with a slashing weapon. You gain the following benefits as long as you're attacking with a melee weapon that deals slashing damage and lacks the Heavy property:

  • Your melee weapon attacks with have the Reach property and gain +1 bonus to damage rolls.
  • You can launch slashing wind blasts and make ranged attacks with your slashing weapons. These attacks reduce the damage die of your weapons by one (a d10 becomes a d8, a d8 becomes a d6, and a d6 becomes a d4) and have a range of 20/40 ft. You can use either Strength or Dexterity for this attack and to damage. and unprotected flames in this wind blast path are extinguished.
  • When you wield a weapon that lacks Heavy property in both hands, your slashing wind blasts improve the distance changes to 30/60 ft, gain another +1 bonus to damage rolls. If you hit a creature within weapon normal range, its pushed 5 ft from you, but if the creature is at least one size smaller than you, it'll fly away 10 ft from you instead.

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