Accelerated Attack (5e Utterance)

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Accelerated Attack[edit]

Lexicon Evolving Mind 3
Speak Action
Range 60 feet
Duration Equal to your Charisma bonus

When Spoken Normally
Whenever your target makes a successful attack with a melee weapon, they gain 10 additional movement speed per creature hit. When the target is targeted by a melee attack, they may simultaneously make a melee attack against the creature that attacked them without using a reaction. If your target does strike back, they cannot stop the incoming attack.

Your utterance allows your ally to move quickly through a crowded battlefield, striking and then darting away.

When Spoken In Reverse
Whenever your target makes a successful attack with a spell, they gain 5 additional movement speed per creature hit. When the target is targeted by a spell, they may simultaneously cast a spell at the creature that attacked them without using a reaction. If your target does strike back, they cannot stop the incoming spell.

A spellcaster gains the ability to move quickly while casting a spell.

Saving Throw

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