A Dilettante Approach (5e Feat)

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A Dilettante Approach

Prerequisites: Intelligence score of 18 or higher, a score of 12 or higher in 4 other stats
There are a lot of things you never learned how to do, but that won't stop you.

You learn a number of Versatility Features from the Dilettante class equal to your proficiency bonus. You can't choose a versatility feature more than once.
Features scaling with Intelligence score have their Intelligence score requirement reduced by 1.

You gain a number of Adaptability Dice (d6) from the Dilettante class equal to your proficiency bonus.
Whenever you make an attack roll, damage roll, ability check or saving throw, you can add one of these dice to the result. You can do so after you roll the d20, but before the outcome is determined. If you take the Help action to help a creature with its ability check, you can spend one die to add to that creature's check or attack.
You can also spend a number of dice to cast a spell you know. You must spend 2 dice for a 1st-level spell, 3 dice for a 2nd-level spell, 4 dice for a 3rd-level spell, 5 dice for a 4th-level spell, and finally 6 dice for a 5th-level spell.
You regain any adaptability die when you finish a short or a long rest.

All rules of the Dilettante class still apply!

(one vote)

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