Rinnegan (3.5e Feat)

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Rinnegan [General]

You have inherited the vast visual powers hidden deep in your family's blood or have been gifted the eyes from another user.
Prerequisite: This feat may be taken at 1st level or at a later level if they have "awakened" within you. You must have a Con 14.
Benefit: This is a scaling feat that improves with your HD. By adopting this feat you cannot take any feats later on in your progression.

When activated this feat increases your visual capabilities further, growing in power as you grow more powerful. The Rinnegan may be activated as a free action for up to 2 minutes per HD per day; this duration need not be used all at once and may be broken up as you wish. The Rinnegan places a strain on your body's systems; exhausting the full maximum duration will cause you to suffer from blurred vision (-2 to attack rolls, spot and search checks) for one hour; you also become fatigued. When active, your eyes become pure purple with 6 black circles inlaid in a faded pale purple and glow very softly.

All the following abilities of the Rinnegan stack. All abilities marked as passive do not require your Rinnegan to be activated.

  • 1HD:Rinne Awakening - (Active) You have a +2 bonus to Spot and Search checks, as well as the unique power Black Receiver (Ex): By spending a minute you can create a 4'ft long black rod which while held can be used for telepathic communication for a maximum range of 100' feet. These rods will always remain active, and if the Rinnegan user can spend 5 minutes concentrating to contact a creautre in possesion of a rod that is more than 100' feet away. Passively, at all times you have a 1 in 3 chance (1-2 on d6) to notice non-magically hidden or concealed secret doors, sliding walls, etc. when passing within 5 feet of them. In the beginning, the Rinnegan have begun to develop their powers, you may easily manipulate the types of damage your energy based attacks inflict, changing their element to any of your choosing. You must declare this change before attacking.
  • 3HD:Six Paths Technique - (Active) You gain a +1 insight bonus to attack, and stun (1 round) your target on a confirmed melee critical hit; successful Fortification or immunity to critical strikes negate this stun. Passively, you gain low-light vision. Passively, the Six Paths Technique grants the user of the Rinnegan the ability to manipulate up to six bodies as though they are their own. The user embeds one or more black receivers (see Black Reciever (Ex)) into a body (preferably one that has passed away), allowing them to channel their soul-essence into it from great distances by performing a 24-hr ritual to imbue their soul-essence to make full use of the body. The user ideally transmits their soul-essence from the highest and closest point possible so that they can have the best possible range. Once their soul-essence enters the body, they are given complete control of it, allowing them to decide all of its actions, its use of spells if any, and even speak through it. When multiple bodies are controlled together the user is able to see through all of their eyes, thus registering six separate fields of vision at the same time. The creatures targeted by this ability must be humanoid, be sentient, and cannot exceed your HD. You gain all abilities of that possessed creature as well as the Path abilities given to that creature. There are a total of six paths, each path representing a different power specific to the path as described below. However, the Rinnegan user must maintain concentration on using this ability and thus cannot move, take any action, or cast any spell from their main body. However, the range the paths have for this ability initially is 60' ft, increasing to 120' ft at 7HD, 240' ft at 10HD, 500' ft at 15HD, and 1000' ft at 20HD. If any of the paths are moved or more outside this radius they lose their ability to function and become SRD:Paralyzed. Each path will level concurrently with the Rinnegan user having a specific role. They cannot gain any feats of their own and only gain bonuses from feats gained from the Rinnegan user. If a path is killed the Rinnegan user must take 12 hours to restore the body, however, if the body is destroyed they must seek out a new creature to fulfill the role. If the Rinnegan user is interrupted in its concentration, the paths stop moving and become extremely susceptible to attacks.
Deva Path
The Deva path is considered the path of Bliss as well as the main body which the Rinnegan user will use besides their own body. The Deva path overwrites the class and abilities of the original user and grants them the class Gravitonic Master (3.5e Class). The Deva path does not have access to any racial special abilities that the Rinnegan user might have. The ability scores of the Deva path focus on strength and agility, as well as hardiness.
Asura Path
The Asura path is considered the path of Reincarnation through the forgiveness of one's Demons. So it is often considered the Demon path. The Asura path overwrites the class and abilities of the original user and grants them the class Mechanist (3.5e Class). The Asura path does not have access to any racial abilities that the Rinnegan user might have. However, they would still retain any abilities gained from their previous class. The ability scores of the Asura path focus on purely offensive and defensive capabilities.
Human Path
The Human path is considered the path of Enlightenment through desire, and passion. The Human path overwrites the class and abilities of the original user and grants them the class Soul Reaver (3.5e Class). The Human path gains the additional ability to be able to return souls to the body if they have been taken as seen in the ability Soul Absorb (Su) by having the body make a Fortitude saving throw. In addition, by making a touch attack, the Human path may probe the mind of a creature. They make no saving throw if the touch attack succeeds. The Human path does not have access to any racial abilities that the Rinnegan user might have. However, they would still retain any abilities gained from their previous class. The ability scores of the Human path focus on purely Charisma and Wisdom to be in tune with the soul.
Animal Path
The Animal path is considered the path of Rebirth through the resolution of one's fears and instincts. The Animal path overwrites the class and abilities of the original user and grants them the class Summoner, Variant (3.5e Class). The Animal path also gains the unique ability known as Six Paths: Rinne Summoning (Su). This ability allows the Animal path to summon all other paths from any location to its current location, or transport to a pocket dimension while the Rinnegan user moves. The Rinnegan user can only use this ability 2/long rest. The Animal path may use this ability at will as a SRD: Swift Action. The Animal path does not have access to any racial abilities that the Rinnegan user might have. However, they would still retain any abilities gained from their previous class. The ability scores of the Animal path focus on purely Charisma and Wisdom to commune and command the animals summoned.
Preta Path
The Preta Path is considered the path of Desire through a cultivation of experiences. The Preta path overwrites the class and abilities of the original user and grants them the class Barrier Mage (3.5e Class). The Preta Path grants all other paths a spell resistance equal to your Spellcraft skill level at 12th level. The Preta path does not have access to any racial abilities that the Rinnegan user might have nor any of the previous class abilities. In addition, the Preta path takes double damage when hit with a physical attack, and reduces magical damage by half. The ability scores of the Preta Path focus on Wisdom to concentrate on creating powerful barriers to protect both the other paths and other allies.
Naraka Path
The Naraka Path is considered the path of Karmic rebirth. The Naraka path overwrites the class and abilities of the original user and grants them the class Healer (3.5e Class). The Naraka Path has the unique ability to cast healing spells and abilities at a distance from the unique ability known as Six Paths: Rinne Recovery (Su). The Naraka Path can use this 3/short rest. The Naraka Path does not have access to any racial abilities that the Rinnegan user might have nor do they retain any abilities gained from previous class(es). The ability scores of the Naraka Path focus Wisdom to make their healing spells stronger while being agile to be defensive.
  • 7HD: Path of Indra or Asura - At 7th level, the Rinnegan user must choose between the path of light, Asura, or the path of darkness, Indra. Depending on the path chosen, the Rinnegan user will gain unique abilities as described below.
Passively, any numerical die rolled, you roll an additional d6 of Light damage, d6 bonus to a skill, a d6 bonus to a saving throw. (Active) Whenever the Rinnegan user activates their Rinnegan changes color from a purple to a golden yellow color. In addition, 3/day you can cast the spell Teleport as a Standard Action.
Passively, whenever the Rinnegan user activates their Rinnegan changes color from a purple to a reddish color. Whenever you are forced to make a Will saving throw against a fear effect you gain an additional +5 bonus. (Active) While your Rinnegan is active when you would look at an opposing creature in their eyes, they must make a Will saving throw (DC:17) or be Frightened. The creature must continue to make Will saving throws until the creature succeeds.
  • 10HD: Sage of the Six Paths Technique - Passively, you gain the ability to see the invisible, you also gain a +2 bonus to Will saves to disbelieve illusions. (Active) The Rinnegan user, once per long rest can choose a single path to embody for the day. They gain all abilities and features of that path as well as their own class abilities. After using this ability the Rinnegan cannot cast spells, use abilities, or attack for minutes equal to their HD. Their movement is reduced to 15ft after using this ability. At 20th level, you may channel any number of paths at one time.
  • 15HD: Sage of the First Path Technique - Passively, you gain the ability to cast your sight ahead of you as Arcane Eye as well as your vision is now unhindered by smoke, fog, mist or dust to a range of 60 feet. (Active) Having the Rinnegan, you now have the ability to use the ability Limbo: Border Jail (Ex). To use this ability you must have the Rinnegan active. As a Standard Action, you create shadows that exist in the ethereal plane. These shadows which co-exist with the physical world are generally impossible to detect or visually perceive. The shadows can operate independently of the user, attacking and restraining target(s) or defending the original body from harm. They cannot cast spells and can only be damaged via magical weapons, or energy based spells. If you use this ability you cannot use the Six Paths Technique.
  • 20HD: Six Red Ying-Yang Formation - Passively, you gain a +2 to any skill of your choosing. (Active) As a Full Round Action, if you are using the Six Paths Technique, you can create the Six Red Ying-Yang Formation barrier. This barrier prevents any creature from entering or exiting. While in the 120' ft cube, all creatures cannot cast spells, and creatures cannot magically enter the area. The only way to enter or exit is to create small openings in the barrier to allow creatures in and out.
Special: You cannot have this feat together with the Sharingan, Narugan, Byakugan, or Jiraigan feats.

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