Howl's Magical Doorway (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous Item, rare

Created by the wizard Howl Pendragon as a means to connect his moving castle to various locations across the country, this doorway begins as a simple door in a single location. Through magic the door is connected to doorways in other locations, effectively making a door with one interior and several possible exteriors, allowing the wizard to travel anywhere he established a connection and to easily return home while traveling.

The doorway possess a turning dial on the interior doorknob and an indication panel next to the door to show which exterior the door currently opens to. Both can be added to, removed from, or changed to suit the owners purpose through a 10 minute ritual that consumes 100gp worth of precious gems. This ritual will connect the magical door to a new exterior or replace or remove a current exterior door.

The magical doorway, currently "programmed" with four possible locations.

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