Faen Shortbow (5e Equipment)

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Revision as of 17:37, 29 November 2017 by Blobby383b (talk | contribs) (increasing rarity and making benefit worse for PC's with more than 2 attacks when they take an attack action)
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Weapon (shortbow), very rare (requires attunement)

A bow of plain, smooth elm inscribed with Sylvan engravings reading "Reveal what is hidden, Reveal what is hidden, Reveal..." all across it. This magical weapon has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. When you hit a target with this weapon, you may use your bonus action to cover the target in a purple light until the start of your next turn or until your next attack roll against the target hits. While outlined in this way, your attacks against the target have advantage and the target cannot benefit from being invisible in any way.

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