Slime (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (melee martial weapon), varies (requires attunement)

Some magical source inside the weapon is constantly secreting a highly explosive slime. As the magical weapon attacks, the slime coated on the outside attaches to the target.

Slime Points:
Every time you hit a target with this weapon, it gains a slime point. At the end of your turn, all targets who have been hit with slime must make a Dexterity check with a DC of 2x the amount of slime points on them at that moment, with on a successful save nothing changes and the slime points stay until something removes them or ten minutes pass. If they fail the save, they take the damage stated by the explosion damage table and must make a Strength check with a DC of 8 + (slime points) or be knocked prone. After the explosion damage is dealt, the slime points on the target reset.

a slime coated sword and axe
Weapon Explosion Damage
Rarity Explosion Damage
Uncommon 2d4 fire & 2d4 bludgeoning
Rare 2d10 fire & 2d10 bludgeoning
Very Rare 3d10 fire & 3d10 bludgeoning
Legendary 4d10 fire & 4d10 bludgeoning
Artfiact 5d10 fire & 5d10 bludgeoning

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