Westus (Iolis Setting)

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Map of Westus


Westus is located on the sub-continent of Castil. It is inhabited mainly by natural races and has the most connections to the Faelands. Westus has constantly waged war against Alkiris by using fae crossings. It has harsh winters and warm summers.


The government of Westus is divided into two main factions, the Winter Fae and the Summer Fae. The two diffrent factions control the nation in different seasons, so there is little political turmoil. The Barren mountains, hills and Bleakfall are not controlled by the Fae factions. The wild tribes of Orcs and Gnolls inhabit the Barren Mountains and Hills, while the Bleakfall is not inhabited. The center of the govenrment is located in Lignum.


The main gods of Westus are Corellon, Melora and Sehanine. Since most of the population is Fae creatures, there are almost no other gods that are revered. Any who worships Lolth is to be executed, but any other religion is tolerated.


The races the inhabit Westus are mainly from the faelands, primarily the Eldarin, satyr, and the hamadrayad. All the races are spread out in the forests and the plains. There is little problems between the races of the fae.


The classes of Westus don't have guilds or schools. Each class is an important part of society though so any one of the classes native to Westus is guaranteed food and quarters in any major city. Each Class from Westus gains +1 to any untrained skill. The classes of Westus are as follows...

  • barbarian
  • bard
  • druid
  • Ranger
  • seeker
  • shaman
  • Sorcerer
  • warden
  • wizard

Background Bonus

If your character is from Westus, you can read and speak Isonic, and gain a +2 to nature and Dungeoneering.*

  • *DM's have the option to change the skill bonuses or remove them if they wish

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