Warwolf (5e Equipment)

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Gargantuan object
Armor Class: 15
Weight: {{{weight}}}
Hit Points: 200
Damage immunities: poison, psychic

A warwolf is an immense siege catapult for bringing down mighty fortresses, and it outranges most defensive weapons. It throws a heavy stone in a high arc, so it can hit targets behind cover. Before a warwolf can be fired, it must be loaded and aimed. It takes three actions to load the weapon, three actions to aim it, and one action to fire it.

Warwolf Stone: Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 400/1600 ft. (can't hit targets within 60 feet of it), one target. Hit: 60 (11d10) bludgeoning damage.

The Warwolf. Source

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