Sense Minds (3.5e Variant Rule)

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Sense Minds (Wis)

You can determine the presence and location of other minds.

Requirements: Telepathy feat

Check: You can make a DC 15 Sense Minds check to sense the presence of any creature with an Intelligence score within 30 feet of you. For every factor of 10 that you extend your sensing radius, the DC increases by 5, as shown below.

DC Radius
15 30 feet
20 300 feet
25 3,000 feet
30 30,000 feet
35 300,000 feet
40 3,000,000 feet

With a successful check, you sense the presence of other minds, their approximate number, their general type (animal, humanoid, etc.), and their approximate location. The larger the number of minds present, the more general the information tends to be. Psychic Shield opposes Sense Minds. A Psychic Shield check greater than your Sense Minds check allows a creature to go unnoticed. You can also attempt to Sense Minds on a place you can see, such as a building (or even a ship or planet in space) with the same effects as above.

Special: You can take 10 or take 20 on a Sense Minds check.

Time: Sense Minds is a move action.

Strain: 1.

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