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The World of Peroan[edit]

About 2,000 years ago, a small meteor (known around the world as a chunk of a star) hit the planet. This wiped out a large portion of the population. Those who wanted to leave the Island that it was going towards did so in many fleets. Only one entire fleet survived the voyage across the ocean. Since then, the kingdom from the island has split into many kingdoms and has minor strife between each other. For the most part, people live in peace with each other. Most of the races in DnD (Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and so on.) Are believed to be either myths or to have died off in the Cataclysm. The truth isn't that far off. Most of the other races where decimated as much as, if not more then, the human race. Few times have any from these races been seen, and the few times most have, it was thought of as a fluke or an illusion by some mage. Despite the lack of these other races being seen, there is ample proof that some other races lived before the humans settled the current area of the world. There are many wonders that defy logic and reason, The Floating Island is likely the most popular and hardest to believe. That aside, there is much to do to finish rebuilding the empires.

The Kingdoms[edit]

There are currently 5 different kingdoms (kingdoms being of a single race of humans or people who live within the same type of region). These are as follows:

Kepp [kep], The mountain and hill kingdom, is comprised of warriors and smiths, which many lean toward being called barbarians in many ways.

Jarn [jarn], the plains and fields kingdom, is comprised of nomads and small tribes of barbarians. Each nomadic tribe provides for itself, and chooses its leader according to who is best at the time. Sometimes, a leader can last in place for years, at other times, this leader is only leader for as long as they are in the same area or situation. Generally speaking, the leader is the one who is most fit for the job at the time, and gets replaced if the situation changes and someone else is more fit for the place.

Krael [cray-ol], the jungle and forest kingdom, is comprised mostly of rangers, druids, and bandits, hermits also fall within this kingdom if they are within the confines of a forest. The leader among this kingdom is not one person, but two. Depending on what the circumstances are, you might talk to or have to deal with one, the other, or both people in charge. These people are known as The Negotiator, which is normally an elder, possibly a druid or hermit of good standing with other kingdoms as well as their own, is the one who speaks on behalf of the kingdom and settles kingdom wide debates; the Warlord, which is the person who rules the bands movements and hostile forces when needed, also the one who tends to lead the hunts when large hunting parties are formed. There are two versions of these leaders, the kingdom wide Warlord and Negotiator as well as the local Warlord and Negotiator.

Saelk [sale-k], the kingdom of sea and shore, is comprised of water villages, small islands and fishermen. These people tend to be the leading merchants in certain types of product. Just as you would want to go to a mountain kingdom dealer for Iron, you would go to the Sea kingdom for Salt. Obviously, some kingdoms have a monopoly on certain products while other products can be found through multiple kingdoms. This kingdom is ruled by a council of elders and highly experienced people. This council does not dictate the everyday life of its people, but pools their knowledge and resources into providing better lifestyle for all. Sometimes this is in information on a new place to find a certain fish, sometimes it is in the knowledge to the younger generation on weather currents, and the likely hood of storms.

Magus [may-jus], the kingdom of mages, is comprised solely of mages and sorcerers. While this kingdom is comprised completely of two types of magical people, it also encompasses all the other kingdoms as well as its own. This kingdom does not dictate other kingdoms, but its people must follow their rules in addition to the kingdom they live within. For instance, a mage is born in the Forest kingdom. At a certain point, they will be taken into the Magus kingdom and trained to be, what is considered by the ruling factions in the kingdom, what a proper mage should be. After they reach a certain level they are taken back to where they came from and are let loose upon the world. While this may sound neglectful, you must remember that, the mage must abide by the rules set upon them by BOTH kingdoms, not just one. Otherwise, they will be punished by both. Sometimes, this is just a small matter, while in other cases, the person involved will become exiled from their birth kingdom and put into a service of some sort within the Magus kingdom. More about this kingdom will be posted later on. The leader of the Magus kingdom is actually dependent upon who you talk to. While there is no leader for the kingdom as a whole, each section (or school, town, what-have-you) has their own leader. Much like the Plains kingdom runs, these schools do the same. Only these leaders last until they either decide to step down, or the die. Often times, these leaders are overthrown by up and coming mages who are more powerful. These leaders tend to last only a little amount of time before they step down due to the large amount of work required to maintain their place.

The Cities[edit]

Ion [i-on], which lies within the Kingdom of Kepp, is nestled into a small mountain valley. Its main export is iron, while it also has a smaller export of coal. This town, while small, boasts an impressive amount of militaristic force when the need arises. Unlike many towns, this one does not have a local guardhouse from which it relies upon for defense. Instead, this town has trained itself with basic weapons; such as a mining pick and blacksmith hammer. This town is often attacked by marauding Orcs and other goblinoids. It is also near one of the only suspected dragon hoards remaining in this region.

The Island of Penn is a small island, which is named after a sailor who died upon its shores, after the Island was nearly submerged. This sailor was Drigor Penn, who was known for his skill while maneuvering through storms and similar weather upon the ocean. The main exported product here is whale oil, often used as an exotic fuel for lamps as well as being used for cooking. Many people go miles just to taste something cooked in the whale oil produced by the Sea kingdom.

Hiloja [hil-oh-ja], is a town within, living, hollowed out trees, which span hundreds of feet into the air. These trees that are used for housing tend to be solid white, and appear to be some kind of Oak. The exact age of these trees, or the forest they dwell within, is not known, but they have been around at least a few thousand years. They are a primary source of high quality hides and leathers from larger animals such as bears and elk.

Ferael [fer-ale], a small nomadic village, made primarily of tents and small removable houses on the plains. The village stays in a single place for no more then a few weeks before going to a new designated area. The main export that is produced, by this and many other villages like it, is its goat cheese. Since these villages often have small to medium sized herds of goats (around 5-10 goats in total). This is one of the many reasons why the villages move so often. Some of these villages herd sheep and export wool instead of goats, since the sparse vegetation can sustain sheep much longer then it can goats. While few and far between, some even herd cattle. Although they are not rare, they take far more time and maintenance then either of the other two options, as well as being the most likely to be stolen or killed for their meat.

Example Cities for size vs population:


Town Size: Metropolis

Town Population: 1022

Magical Diseases[edit]

Two different magical diseases that look a lot alike until after death. First is "The Wasting" and second is "The Taint" (currently under name revision) both were created through a alchemical process. The wasting was created as a botched attempt to control the size and weight change through a potion. The second was a potion, taken once per day, to extend a persons life span. The Wasting causes the victims tissue to break down and rot, as well as making their bones shrink through a painful process. (This process is, the bones chip and splinter of sections constantly until they are all but gone, the reverse is also possible although far more rare.) There are some known cases where a victim of this disease has gained massive amounts of growth and continued to grow until their body could no longer support their larger size. History for the two disease will be written at a later time and posted under its own sub-heading.

(Under name revision, as well as more information upon the effects of the disease itself.) An undead disease, that spreads slowly through "poisoned" water, is spreading across vast expanses of land. Sea water seems highly resistant, if not completely immune, to the effects. The animals that die, or have been dead for less than a weeks time, rise within one week after death as undead creatures. Animals that survive here become tainted and can spread the disease to any they bite. If infected by this disease, a week after initial infection the creature begins to turn pale, go rabid (or dire), as well as beginning to rot from the inside out, without the penalties for doing so (this disease does not cause death in this fashion). They exhibit similar symptoms and can pass on the taint in the same manner they got it themselves. As before, one week after death, the creature will rise as an undead. Due to this, the taint is also spread by the death of an infected creature. In this method, an infected creature can cause a Taint to grow in a region which is untainted. This disease can also be caught through eating the corpse or drinking its fluids. If the infected creature is not buried but is burned instead, there is little to no chance of the taint spreading. The only known way to fight the taint is to burn it away. Removal of the tainted area will not work unless the area is made of stone. After an animal or creature has risen from the dead by this method, they will continue to decay at a rapid speed. Often times, the creature affected by the disease, will rise from the dead a week after death. After this point, they will wonder as a zombie or skeleton creature with the formers conscience until the body is completely decomposed and turns to dust. This process can take anywhere from a day to several months. The current method to know how long they have is to know the former creatures con score. This number multiplied by their modifier gives you the approximate lifetime of the creature in "undeath" if the creature makes a successful will save ( DC equaling their con score) they can survive for double the normal length of time. If the creature continues to do this, eventually they can become a permanently "living" undead creature. These are few and far between, at least from this disease, and tend to become a liche after a long enough period. This origin of this disease is thought to be in an ancient set of ruins in an old mountain valley. More on this set of ruins in its own location.

City Information[edit]

Unusual Cities:

Villages are sometimes known to lock their gates and not let in people for several days in some regions. These places are well known for their animal products, whether they are leather, meat, or some other product like cheese. The reason behind this is that the villages that do this are generally infected (or in some cases, blessed) with lycanthropy. While there are some villages that are like this, there are others that are notorious for people disappearing in and reappearing months or even years later, as a member of the village or a nearby village that has sprung up since then. These places, like the previous type of village, are infected with lycanthropy. The difference being that one sections itself off to keep from infecting others while the other draws people in to increase their numbers. The second type of village often has large gambling houses and brothels to draw in the weary and easily deceived.

Random Idea List[edit]

Idea one: Towns that die on the night of the full moon, and then rise the next morning, as if nothing had happened. This only happens within the town, and any who are in the town when it happens might get killed by the "undead" people running around. If this happens, then they too join with the town, and are connected to it until they can remove the "curse" attached to them. Those who are cursed cannot go a certain distance from where they died, and if they do, they die and will "awaken" again where they originally died. Those who are killed by the person after death pass on the "curse" in the same fashion.

The World's "Magical" Outlook[edit]

In the world magical children are stolen away into the night when they are detected to private communities where they are raised with new magical families. These children remember light to none of their past life with their non magical families and friends. These children are taught at home and through secret groups the magical arts and are raised to see non magical people as less then themselves. Although there are many out there who do not agree with this. In some places they have gotten together and made there own communities and taught their own version of the non magical people. On how they should help them and guide them as only they can. Though the two groups are nearly identical in their methods their reasoning does divide them into seemingly two groups. Neither are evil or good, just two sides of another coin. On the other hand. These groups never manage to find all of the magical children so there are those who grew up with non magical people and see themselves differently. Sometimes they see themselves as gods and lord it over everyone until one of these groups brings them into their fold, one of the groups assassinates the offending person, or they are ignored altogether. Sometimes these children eventually find their own way into these groups, becoming part of neither and navigate between the two, learning what they can before they go on to enjoy their own life. These groups rarely if ever force their own laws or views upon the world at large, only their own separate little communities. While this is generally the case, the world at large isn’t in the dark about the magical children and people around them, they have learned over centuries that it is an uncommon ability that some are born with. Once every year or so, they groups take a small portion of children, normally in their younger years of teen hood, out into the non magical communities to learn stuff other then that which is magical. They often apprenticed to blacksmiths, huntsmen, leatherworkers and so on to learn these crafts. They eventually go on to becoming specialists in their crafts making many magical items the world has today. These people are also those who generally open school to teach these crafts to younger people later in their life. Sometimes, some of these people find themselves in places of power, governing a small village or sometimes even becoming a common person people seek for answers to problems. There is no end to the amount that these people are involved in most peoples everyday life and many don’t realize the gift these people have. Not only do these people learn these crafts and have these magical abilities, they also have a much longer lifespan and are often times the common adventurer in the local tavern. It is believed by some that these people are proof or offspring of gods, while not a direct child of any one god but a manifestation of a gods power in the populace of the world.

World Population coverage and Town Size[edit]

Third Era

01-10 500 + 100D10 Metropolis

01-05 200 + 15D10 Huge

05-15 75 + 7D10 Large

15-25 50 + 5D10 Medium

25-50 25 + 3D10 Small

50-100 10 + 2D10 Tiny

Fourth Era

01-03 500 + 100D10 Metropolis (Current total: 1)

04-08 200 + 15D10 Huge (Current total: 3)

09-15 75 + 7D10 Large (Current total: 4)

16-25 50 + 5D10 Medium (Current total: 5)

26-50 35 + 4D10 Average (Current total: 6)

51-75 25 + 3D10 Small (Current total: 7)

76-100 10 + 2D10 Tiny (Current total: 15)

Current Totals are per kingdom not total worldwide. Also, Kingdoms are for this area of the World only, not for total coverage.

Last updated[edit]

01:50, 26 October 2011 (MDT)

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