Lorencete Homeland (4e Environment)

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Elven Kingdom of Lorencete Homeland

(Green banner with a full white tree and three doves)

Population: 30,000+

Geographic Area[edit]

Lorencete Homeland is in the forest.

Imports, Exports, and Resources[edit]

Lorencete Homeland has abundant freshwater and wood. Lorencete Homeland has a trade and defense alliance with Sidereal. Lorencete trades wood, wooden objects, and Elven crafts to Sidereal for stone and international trades.

The economy is in ruins with the long war. Before the war, the average monthly wage was 3 gold pieces (the basic pay of the army). Now, the average monthly wage is 1 gold piece (the basic pay of the army). Before the war, magic items were more available as a market item in the major cities (most items of level 1 through 5). Now, the availability of magic items is rare. There are no magic item stores or merchants (only 1st level items are available, when a magic item can be found to buy).


The Elven Kingdom of Lorencete Homeland is the oldest kingdom that traces its foundation to the fallen Elven Empire of Theaven. Over a millennium ago, the present day city of Lorencete Homeland was established by Elven Warlock Greenmeadows, the last surviving heir of the Theaven Empire.

In the Time of Chaos, in the first epoch, the Elven Empire of Theaven rests between two great continental rivers and its capital city of Bihar is in the center of the empire with roads cross-connecting the cities of Datia, Encer, and Thurie; with the city of Mizapur on the Blue Bay at the river mouth. Theaven fights on four fronts with Umerikah, Chi-han-sis, Hydraseau, and Dwagoold. In 828 DY, the Great Elven-Dwarven War I begins between the Empire of Theaven and Kingdom of Dwagoold. In 1114 DY, the Campaign of Blood leaves Theaven and Dwagoold weak; cease fire is declared. In 1575 DY, Kingdom of Hourshan's first conflict with Elves of Theaven in the western woods (precursor of the Human Kingdom of Umerikah); and in 1595 DY, Theaven army defeats the Army of Umerikah in the Battle of Molden Hill; and in 2093 DY, in the Battle of Noon, Umerikah defeats Theaven.

In the second epoch, the Elven Empire of Theaven in left to a few Elven settlements living in isolation. In the modern era, the third epoch, in 376 C.E., Sidereal sends 2 legions toward Aet-tons (9,600 soldiers), Bronze City sends 1 legion toward Aet-tons (4,800), Whitebeach sends 2 legions toward Aet-tons (9,600), as the Elf forces of Lorencete fight the invading army in a holding strategy of hit-n-run. (invading strength 25,000 against defending strength 24,000 plus Elves).


The government is by an elected assembly of twelve elders, each with equal vote. The twelve elders have absolute authority, answerable only to themselves. The twelve elders are individually known as “The Homeland Supreme Elder.”

Varis Loren, Theren Highleaf, Rolen Quick, Lucan Shava, Enna Shava, Beiro Datia, Varis Bihar, Gennal Thurie, Lia Wideyes, Peren Hope, Thia Hope, and Thia Mizapur are the Homeland Supreme Elders. The elders meet in the governmental building and castle known as The Green Meadow.

There is a 7 silver pieces tax on all merchandise bought or sold, also there is a 5 silver pieces gateway tax on all travel into all city's gates. No mounts of any kind are permitted within Lorencete proper.

The law of the land is the Five Natural Laws of Pilgrim’s Creek. In 1258 DY, the scribe Gnome Eldon Feywild codified five laws into a civilized system. The Five Natural Laws are against violence, stealing, harming, interfering, and disrupting the peace. The Five Laws are often displayed: No violence is allowed. No stealing or falsehood is allowed. No harming of the natural environment is allowed. No interfering with the community authority is allowed. No disrupting of the peace is allowed. The Green Forest Walkers have arresting authority. The Homeland Supreme Elders are judges.


The population is almost completely Elven with a small population of Gnomes and Halflings. Lorencete culture is in harmony with their environment.

The fashion is nature friendly and varies but they do like to wear emerald green with dark black and bright gold. Although the basic common language is common, Lorencete has a distinctive accent that is recognizable with a Perception DC 10.

Key Locations & People[edit]

Important Places

  1. The Autumn Court is the cathedral dedicated to Phthino the Autumn Goddess.
  2. The Four Corner Tower, dedicated to the Major Gods of the Elements, is the only wizard school.
  3. The Greentree Tower is the temple of Vashlora in Lorencrete.
  4. The Green Meadow is where the elders meet. It is the governmental building and castle named after the Elven Warlock Greenmeadows who established the Lorencete Homeland and was the last surviving heir of the Theaven Empire.
  5. The Spring Court is the cathedral dedicated to Pegay the Spring Goddess.
  6. The Summer Court is the cathedral dedicated to Theros the Summer God.
  7. The Winter Court is the cathedral dedicated to Cheimon the Winter Goddess.

Important People

Adran Agile is the Elven Cardinal of Pegay the Spring Goddess.

Aelar Greentree is the Elven Cardinal of Theros the Summer God.

Aelar Loren is one of the five Captain Defenders of the Champion Defenders of the Green Forest Walkers. Aelar and Varis Loren are cousins.

Ashlove Hole the All-Knowing is the headmaster of The Four Corner Tower, the only wizard school, is an Elf wizard.

Beiro Datia is one of twelve of the Homeland Supreme Elders.

Carric Wild is the Elven High Priest of Phthino the Autumn Goddess.

Enna Shava is one of twelve of the Homeland Supreme Elders.

Erdan Shieldmaker is the Elven Cardinal of Cheimon the Winter Goddess.

Gennal Highleaf is one of the five Captain Defenders of the Champion Defenders of the Green Forest Walkers.

Gennal Thurie is one of twelve of the Homeland Supreme Elders.

Joy Chaedi is one of the five Captain Defenders of the Champion Defenders of the Green Forest Walkers.

Leaf Moreson the Spiritual is the Cardinal in the Greentree Tower, of Vashlora in Lorencrete.

Lia Wideyes is one of twelve of the Homeland Supreme Elders.

Lucan Shava is one of twelve of the Homeland Supreme Elders.

Peren Hope is one of twelve of the Homeland Supreme Elders.

Peren Newleafen the Death Blade is the Guild Master of the Fey-Death-Masks.

Rullen Quick is one of the five Captain Defenders of the Champion Defenders of the Green Forest Walkers. Rullen and Rolen Quick are brothers.

Rolen Quick is one of twelve of the Homeland Supreme Elders. Rullen and Rolen Quick are brothers.

Shadow Mistress Irann Chaedi is the Grand Guild Master and travels between Lorencete and Urie.

Theren Highleaf is one of twelve of the Homeland Supreme Elders.

Thia Hope is one of twelve of the Homeland Supreme Elders.

Thia Mizapur is one of twelve of the Homeland Supreme Elders.

Varis Bihar is one of twelve of the Homeland Supreme Elders.

Varis Loren is one of twelve of the Homeland Supreme Elders. Aelar and Varis Loren are cousins.

Varis Shava is one of the five Captain Defenders of the Champion Defenders of the Green Forest Walkers.

Institutions & Organizations[edit]

Guilds and Brotherhoods: There are several international organizations that transcend culture and race. Almost none of the international organizations are present in Lorencete. Within the Elven community, there exists the Brotherhood of Greenmeadows for the descendants of the last surviving heir of the old Theaven Empire.

Wizard Schools: In Lorencete, there is only one wizard school known as The Four Corner Tower, dedicated to the Major Gods of the Elements. The headmaster of The Four Corner Tower is an Elf wizard Ashlove Hole the All-Knowing.

Warrior Circles: Lorencete is well defended by The Green Forest Walkers. The Green Forest Walkers are Rangers with five hundred archers. Ranger Defenders have Champion Defenders (like a knightly order) led by five Captain Defenders. Gennal Highleaf, Joy Chaedi, Aelar Loren, Varis Shava, and Rullen Quick are the five Captain Defenders.

Druid Guild: The Enlightened Hand is a guild of Elven Druids. Their symbol is five living branches growing from their hair. There is no leader of the Enlightened Hand, they are not that organized.

Thieves’ Guild: Fey-Death-Masks are the only thief guild (truly an assassin’s guild) of all elves, both in Lorencete and Urie. Shadow Mistress Irann Chaedi is the Grand Guild Master and travels between Lorencete and Urie. A Grand Guild Master supervises and manages more than a single guild. There is only one Guild Master per guild. The Guild Master of the Fey-Death-Masks in Lorencete is Peren Newleafen the Death Blade. The guild is also a school for training and it has its own hand-finger language (thieves' sign language).

Temple/Worship: The Spring Court is the cathedral dedicated to Pegay the Spring Goddess. It is a cathedral, monastery, library, and university with 25+ clerics. Adran Agile is the Elven Cardinal of Pegay the Spring Goddess. The Summer Court is the cathedral dedicated to Theros the Summer God. It is a cathedral, monastery, library, and university with 25+ clerics. Aelar Greentree is the Elven Cardinal of Theros the Summer God. The Autumn Court is the cathedral dedicated to Phthino the Autumn Goddess. It is a cathedral, monastery, library, and university with 25+ clerics. Carric Wild is the Elven High Priest of Phthino the Autumn Goddess. The Winter Court is the cathedral dedicated to Cheimon the Winter Goddess. It is a cathedral, monastery, library, and university with 25+ clerics. Erdan Shieldmaker is the Elven Cardinal of Cheimon the Winter Goddess. Vashlora Greentree is worshipped only by Elves. The Greentree Tower is the temple of Vashlora in Lorencrete. The Cardinal is a golden haired Elf named Leaf Moreson the Spiritual.

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