SRD:Banestrike (Divine Ability)

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Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +20.

Benefit: Any weapon the deity weilds gains a bonus of +4 on attack rolls, and it deals an extra +4d6 points of damage against the designated foe. The bonus and extra damage stack with any other properties the weapon has.

Notes: The deity selects one kind of enemy from the list below.

Aberrations Oozes
Animals Outsiders, chaotic
Beasts Outsiders, evil
Constructs Outsiders, good
Dragons Outsiders, lawful
Elementals Plants
Fey Undead
Giants Vermin
Monstrous humanoids Humanoids (choose one subtype)

The ability functions only when the deity personally attacks with a melee weapon or ranged weapon. The deity can apply the Banestrike ability to any weapon or natural weapon, but not to a spell, spell-like ability, supernatural ability, or divine ability.

A deity can have this ability multiple times, choosing a different kind of foe each time. The deity can imbue only one bane special ability to a weapon at a time and can change among them once a round as a free action.

Suggested Portfolio Elements: Death, justice, vengeance, war.

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