Dracotaur, Variant (5e Race)

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Physical Description

Hard scales that vary in color from green to brown cover a Dracotaur from head to tail. Males have ornate cresting on their heads, throats, and chests ranging from bright red to deep purple. A Dracotaur’s 4-foot-long tail, although used primarily for balance, ends in wicked spikes that can be brought to bear in battle. Dracotaurs excrete body oil that helps keep their scales and leather armor supple. They typically wield sharp spears. An adult Dracotaur stands 7 feet tall and measures 10 feet long, weighing about 2,000 pounds.

© Wizards of the Coast, by Steve Prescott


There used to be tales of ancients heroes who would slay dragons by the dozens. Magical armour that could resist any damage. Weapons that could break a Dragon's hide. Dracotaurs have been the bane of such heroes and destroyers of such artefacts, many scholars have been trying to discover the history of this nomadic race only to be brought to legends of a time when Dragons nearly went extinct. Were the Dracotaurs a product of Dragons trying to save their race or are they the product of an furious dragon god for the near destruction of a species? One can only hope it is the former rather then the latter but thanks to the Dracotaurs reverence of Dragons as a whole... the later seems more likely.


Dracotaurs gather in small, nomadic tribes. Dracotaurs respect power above all, and they measure power in terms of raw strength and arcane magical ability. Their leaders are usually mighty warriors, sorcerers, or both. Although Dracotaur tribes occasionally fight over land, rival tribes quickly band together when faced with a common outside threat. Dracotaurs will also ally with other reptilian creatures, including Lizardfolk and nagas. Although they are not devout creatures, Dracotaurs see true dragons as powerful embodiments of the ancient gods and will give their lives in the service of such creatures. Much of the race’s arcane knowledge comes from the ancient teachings of the true dragons. Dracotaurs rarely stay in any one place long enough to warrant the building of permanent settlements. However, tribes will often lay claim to ancient ruins and use them as sanctuaries, training grounds, or neutral meeting places. Dracotaurs and centaurs despise one another, and many a Dracotaur warrior dreams of devouring the flesh of a fallen centaur foe.

Dracotaurs Names

Dracotaurs don't take names but instead they take brutal nicknames that demonstrate their unique traits and ferocity in battle.

Dracotaur Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and constitution scores each increase by 1 and one other Ability score from your sub-race.
Age. Dracotaurs reach maturity at the age of 10 and can live up to 500 but rarely make it that long.
Alignment. Due to their life of war, Dracotaurs lean more closely towards evil but when not fighting they will obey the laws of the tribe, making them Lawful.
Size. Dracotaurs range between 7ft-9ft tall and 8ft-10ft long, although larger then most, Your size is still Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 50ft.
Darkvision. Dracotaurs have Darkvision up to 60ft. while in Darkness you can see as if the Darkness were dim light and dim light as it were bright light. However you can’t discern colour in Darkness, only Shades of grey.
Dracotaur Trible. As a Dracotaur you have a Natural Armour of 13 + Constitution Modifier, You are also proficient with Spears, Long bows and perception checks.
Natural Weapons. As a Dracotaur you have two Natural Weapons. The first is a Bite attack that does 1d6 + Strength modifier piercing damage. The second is a Tail Swipe that does 1d4 Bludgeoning and 1d4 Piercing damage, however it can only be used against enemies directly behind you.
Large Build. You have advantage on grapple checks and you double your push, pull and carry weight. You have disadvantage on all one handed weapons except for spears or any thrown weapon as long as you throw it.
Molten Spit. A Dracotaur can spit a glob of fire as an action. A direct hit deals 2d6 points of fire damage. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the spittle hits takes 1d4 points of fire damage from the splash. this attack has a range of 20ft. you can use this equal to your constitution modifier every long rest.
Limited Magic Immunity. You have immunity to magical paralysis and sleep effects.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Draconic and one other language of your choice.


Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1 more to a maximum to 20.
Beast's Rage. When an attack brings you to less than half health for the first time in combat you may choose to enter a rage like state. In this state you have advantage with your Natural Weapons and disadvantage with weapons that aren't your Natural Weapons, this also ends any charmed effects. During this state you must attack the closest creature to you even if they were an ally to you, but if they were a ally classed as trusted to you, you may make a DC 15 Wisdom save to attack the second closest creature to you. If there are two or more creatures at the same distance to you the DM may choose which you attack. You can use this ability once per long rest and it lasts 1 minute or until you're knocked unconscious.
Beast's Weapons. You are a more akin to a feral animal when it comes to your Natural Weapons. You double your Natural Weapons piercing damage dice. Your Bite attack now also does 1d4 bleeding damage each round at the start of it's turn after it is hit. A creature may make a Constitution check with a DC equal to 8 + your Strength Modifier + your Proficiency Modifier to stop bleeding at the end of each of their turns.


Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Warrior's Will. You get Warrior's Will dice which are d4s. If you would fail a Wisdom saving throw of any kind you can roll a Warrior's Will and add that to your roll. The amount you get are equal to your Wisdom Modifier. At level 8 these dice become d6's and at level 16 they become d8's. You get these dice back after a long rest.
Warrior's Spear. As a Warrior you have learned to craft a brutal but elegant spear of your clan. This spear does 1d8 piercing damage, has the Thrown property(30/90ft), the Heavy property, the versatile property(2d6 piercing damage), the Reach property and has a crit range of 19. While you're wielding this weapon you can use your wisdom modifier instead of strength when rolling for attacks and damage. You must have Woodcarver's tools, Smith's tools, Leatherworker's tools, 10ft by 1/2ft of uncarved wood of your choice for the shaft, 2 metal ingots of your choice(both must be the same metal) for the spear head, 2 1ft by 1ft squares of leather of your choice for the grips, a workbench in good condition and a working forge. Crafting this spear will take the better part of a day and it weighs 9lb. The quality of the materials also matter as cheaper materials could lead to the weapon breaking.


Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Hunter's Horn. When you blow on a horn you may make an intimidation check with the DC set by the DM. If you pass, any creature you don't see as an ally that can hear you is frightened, any creature that can see and hear you must make a Wisdom save or the next attack against them is made at advantage. Ally's that can both see and hear you can take the dash action as a bonus action on their next turn, if they can already take the dash action as a bonus action, they instead gain one extra attack on their next turn. You must have a horn to use this ability and it can only be used once per long rest.
Hunter's knowledge. As a Hunter of your tribe you have learnt how to track and How to use a Longbow more efficiently. You are classed as an expert to track creatures that leave a physical trace, if the creature has less then half health you have advantage to track them. While using a Longbow of any kind you roll one extra dice with your critical hit dice and the crit range is dropped by 1.

Ancient Blood

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Ancient's Breath. Your Molten Spit's hit dice is doubled and so is the range of the splash damage. Your Molten Spit now also ignites objects as long as they not being worn but carried objects can still ignite. The range of the attack now goes from 20ft to 40ft. A creature must now also make a DC 8 + your Charisma Modifier + your Proficiency Modifier to take half damage. If they are fire resistant or in/within 5ft of water they have advantage on the save.
Ancient's Tong. Your body resembles more of a dragon then other Dracotaur, Thanks to this you are able to more easily commune with those of the dragon blood. You have advantage on Charisma checks against those with a dragon heritage but this can also backfire as non-dragon's have advantage on insight checks against you.
Ancient's Blood. Thanks to the ancient blood running through your veins you have resistance to fire damage and advantage against spells that deal fire damage.

Random Height and Weight

7ft′ 0 inches'' +2d12 2,000lbs lb. × (10lbs) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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