User talk:Blue Dragon

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Something Broke, Again

Hi BD, this appears to be an issue again. I've also noticed that full URLs now have this weird space in front of them, like this, including external links which display as something other than a URL. — Geodude Chatmod.png (talk | contribs | email)‎‎ . . 17:35, 9 February 2021 (MST)

I think I got it this time. Can you let me know if it's still a problem? (You may need to clear your browser for that page to fully check.) Thanks! — Blue Dragon (talk) 09:35, 11 February 2021 (MST)

I cant get through your spam protection thing. It simply doesnt work . Please fix it

Create account problems

Hello, it seems you get this a lot so I don't want to waste too much of your time. My computer cannot complete the puzzle to create an account. I've never seen this type of puzzle before so idk what I'm supposed to do. I hit the button and it says a certain amount of time it took to complete and then when I click create account it says the puzzle was invalid. Edit: I tried again at a later time and the puzzle worked.

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