Dovahkiin (5e Class)

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You Are Dovahkiin

A cloaked figure stands atop a mountain, wielding a mighty battle axe and donning a set of fur-lined plate armor, staring deep into the wyvern-like beast's soul, with what seems to be adrenaline. After but a few moments, the beast speaks in an ancient and powerful tongue. The man roars a battle cry, charging the beast. After a few minutes of exchanging blows, the man shouts three words. "Fus Ro Dah!" he bellows, as the air distorted and a wave of force both stuns and pushes the mighty beast back.

A tabaxi child sneaks through the shadows, dagger in hand, as an unsuspecting guard of a corrupt noble family stands guard is oblivious to the stealthy kitten's presence. The cat proceeds to try and slit the throat of the guard, but fails to do so. The guard nimbly reaches for their sword, and is disarmed from said sword with three ancient words of power. "Zun, Haal Viik," the cat bellows, before she slinks back to the shadows.

An elven woman, wearing blue robes that glimmered with arcane energy and leather armor underneath, stares down the demonic creature known as the daedra, a malachite longsword in one hand, and a fire ball in the other. She damns the daedra, before throwing the fire ball. The fire ball narrowly misses, but the woman keeps pressuring the demon. After a long five minutes of her blade and spells doing nothing to hurt the daedra, the woman bellows to the sky in an ancient and forgotten tongue. "O-Dah-Viing" she cries, as distant roars could be heard. Moments later, a winged beast lands aside the elf, and greets the woman. "Drem Yol Lok" it says, and they prepare for battle.

These are the Dovahkiin, more commonly referred to as Dragonborn, not to be mistaken for the Dragonborn race, mortal beings with the blood and soul of a dragon, said to fight off Alduin or any other threat. They are not necessarily specialized at the arts of combat, spellcasting, or thievery, but most hope to hone their skills to fight off whatever threat fate has birthed them for. While many argue that they are a race of half dragons, the truth is that their purpose of being brought into this world is to combat the Dovah - Dragons - and stop any threat that may be opposing this world.

When making a Dovahkiin, you must ask yourself some questions. How did my character come to realize that they were Dovahkiin? How did it effect their lives? Did they turn to the more heroic deeds that most Dovahkiin were known for, or did they become a criminal, murderer, or outlaw? Did they hone their magical prowess, train to become the greatest warrior, or turn to thievery or assassination? Once these questions are answered, and any other questions that would result into the story of how your character came to be Dovahkiin, you can fully begin to make your character

Creating a Dovahkiin


Quick Build

You can make a Dovahkiin quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Charisma. Second, choose the Folk Hero background. Third, choose the Battleaxe and a Dagger, Scale Armor, Explorers Pack, and either the Longbow or Crossbow.

Class Features

As a Dovahkiin you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Dovahkiin level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Dovahkiin level after 1st


Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength and Charisma.
Skills: Dependent on your Stone Path.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Longsword and a Dagger or (b) Battleaxe and a Dagger or (c) Warhammer and a Dagger
  • (a) Leather Armor or (b) Scale Armor and a Shield or (c) Plate Armor and a Shield
  • (a) Burglars Pack or (b) Scholars Pack or (c) Explorers Pack
  • (a) Longbow and 20 Arrows or (b) Crossbow and 20 Bolts or (c) Arcane Focus
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 x 10 GP in funds.

Table: The Dovahkiin

Level Proficiency
Features —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Way of the Voice, Stone Path
2nd +2 Blessing of Akatosh 2
3rd +2 Stone Path Feature, 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3
5th +3 Blessing of Akatosh 4 2
6th +3 4 2
7th +3 Stone Path Feature 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 3
9th +4 4 3 2
10th +4 Blessing of Akatosh 4 3 2
11th +4 4 3 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Stone Path Feature 4 3 3
13th +5 4 3 3 1
14th +5 4 3 3 1
15th +5 Blessing of Akatosh 4 3 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 2
17th +6 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Stone Path Feature 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Master of the Voice 4 3 3 3 2

Way of the Voice

As a Dovahkiin, you have the innate ability to understand the dragon tongue, and focus their power into what is known as a Thu'um, or shout.

Thu'um Tiers

Each shout has 3 tiers of power. The 1st tier when acted upon counts as a bonus action. The 2nd tier when acted upon counts as an action. And the 3rd tier counts as an action and prevents any movement on that turn. If you use your Thu'um, you cannot use it again for a number of rounds equal to the tier utilized.

Fus Ro Dah

At 1st level, you know the Thu'um, Unrelenting Force, otherwise known as Fus Ro Dah. This Thu'um affects a 15ft. cone. At 1st tier, creatures of medium size or smaller affected by this must roll a Strength DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or have disadvantage on attack rolls as well as Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight, and are pushed back 5 feet. Creatures of large size or larger only suffer from the disadvantages. At 2nd tier, creatures of medium size or smaller affected by this must roll a Strength DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or have disadvantage on attack rolls as well as Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight, and are pushed back 10 feet. Creatures of large size or larger only suffer from the disadvantages. And at 3rd tier, creatures of medium size or smaller affected by this must roll a Strength DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or have disadvantage on attack rolls as well as Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight, and are pushed back 15 feet. Creatures of large size or larger only suffer from the disadvantages.

Stone Path

At 1st level, you choose a Stone Path. Choose between The Warrior Stone, The Thief Stone, or The Mage Stone, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 1st level and again at 3rd, 7th, 12th, 18th levels.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Blessing of Akatosh

Starting at 2nd level, the dragon god himself, Akatosh, blesses you you with the knowledge of a new Thu'um. You choose which Thu'um you wish to dedicate this new found knowledge to. You learn a new Thu'um at 5th, 10th, and 15th levels.

Blessing of Akatosh Alternative
Dragon Souls.

For those seeking a true challenge, to learn a new Thu'um, you must consume the soul of a dragon. When you slay a dragon, you absorb its soul. This also prevents the dragon from being brought back from the dead. When you absorb the soul, you gain the ability to use that dragons knowledge to learn another Thu'um. You may still only know up to one extra Thu'um at 2nd level, then two at 5th, and so on. This is an optional alternative, as depending on the campaign's setting, opportunities to slay a dragon may be limited.

Master of the Voice

At 20th level, you have learned to master your Thu'ums. At this level, you no longer take any Blessings of Akatosh, but may continue to consume dragon souls in order to unlock the rest of the Thu'ums.

Joor Sah Frul

At 20th level, you learn the Thu'um Joor Sah Frul, Dragonrend. This shout only affects dragons of any type, including the Dracolich. This shout can only be used in tier 3, or it is rendered useless. This Thu'um's effects last until the end of the round. For this duration, the dragon suffers from the following effects: It is vulnerable to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage, it cannot use it's breath attacks, and it is forced to ground itself, giving it a flight speed of 0.

The Warrior Stone

You have chosen to follow the path of a warrior, trusting in your blade to keep you alive. You gain 2 of the following proficiencies: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, and Survival. You gain proficiency in Medium and Heavy armor, as well as Shields. You gain proficiency in Martial Weapons.

Battle Cry

Starting at 1st level, you may take a bonus action to shout in a terrifying way, intimidating your foes, affecting any non allied creature with a CR equal to the Dovahkiins level divided by 2 or lower within 15 feet of the Dovahkiin. Creatures caught and affected in this radius must make a Wisdom saving throw equal to DC 8 + your Strength modifier + your Charisma modifier. Creatures that fail the saving throw suffer from the frightened condition for 1 minute. If the creature fails, they can repeat this saving throw on their turn to break themselves from the condition. Creatures that succeed the saving throw are unaffected. You can use this feature as many times equal to your Charisma modifier. You must take a long rest to regain this features use.


At 3rd level, the sight of your blood and the pain that goes along with it drives a fury and vengeance only blood will sate. When you are attacked physically, you can take a reaction against the attacking creature and charge at them. If you hit them, you knock them prone and make a melee attack against them. You can do this as many times as equal to your Dovahkiin level, in which you must complete a long rest in order to use this feature again.

Shield Brethren

At 7th level, you have learned not only to fight for honor or glory, but to protect those you would call friend or family. When you are within 15 feet of an ally and said ally is attacked, you can choose to use your shield or weapon to block the attack. Doing so will require the attacker to make a Strength check against you and for you to roll a Strength saving throw against it, or take the full damage that would have been dealt to your ally. However, if you succeed in the strength check, all damage is negated from both you and your ally. You can do this as many times as equal to your Dovahkiin level, in which you must complete a long rest to utilize this feature again.

Worthy Warrior

At 12th level, battle has become a test of your mettle. You can call upon the heroes of Sovngarde to assist you. Once per day, you can summon a spectral warrior, who will assist you in what ways they can. When summoned, your hero can attempt to do one action for you, or can make one attack against a creature of your choice. After this, the hero returns to the afterlife. However, if you do not assign them an action they return to the after life anyways. You must complete a short or long rest to call upon them again.

Song of Sovngarde

At 18th level, you will forever be remembered as a true warrior. As an action, you can begin to sing the songs of Sovngarde, and its heroes, including you. When you do this, you gain an armor class of 20 + your Charisma modifier. Rolling a 19 also counts as rolling a 20. This effect lasts for 120 seconds, and you must complete a long rest to use this feature again.

The Thief Stone

You have chosen the path of a shadow, trusting in the darkness to keep you hidden from your enemies. You gain 2 of the following proficiencies: Acrobatics, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth. You gain proficiency in martial weapons, and have the same benefits as the "Two-Weapon Fighting" fighting style as mentioned in the PHB (pg. 195).

One with the Shadows

Starting at 1st level, you have the ability to take the Hide Action and become almost invisible by hiding deep in the shadows when in dim light or darkness. When in this hidden state, you are able to strike from the shadows, giving you advantage on your next attack on a creature that is unaware of your position. To see you through the darkness, a creature must succeed on a Wisdom DC saving throw equal to 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier.

Silver Tongued

At 3rd level, you have learned how to use your words to get what you want. When making Charisma (Persuasion) checks about bartering, haggling, and trading, you have advantage on Charisma checks (Persuasion or Deception) regarding to how much something is worth. You also have advantage on these checks when lying about your intentions in a situation.

Pockets Lined with Gold

At 7th level, you have found yourself to have Lady Luck on your side, and always seem to find more gold where others wouldn't. You have advantage on Investigation checks when searching containers for gold, or valuables such as gems and jewelry. You also gain advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks when picking someones pocket for gold.

Skeleton Keys

At 12th level, you have learned how to make replica keys for locks. When you successfully pick a lock, you can use 5cp worth of wax to make a wax replica of the key belonging to the lock. These keys have three uses before they break and you must create another replica.


At 18th level, you've been assigned as an Agent of Nocturnal by the daedric prince Nocturnal. As an action, you can utilize a blessing of Nocturnal. There are 3 different abilities granted to Agents of Nocturnal. After you use your ability, you must complete a short or long rest to use this feature again. After taking a long rest, you may choose to take on a different ability. You can only utilize one ability at a time.

Shadowcloak of Nocturnal

As an action, you can cast greater invisibility on yourself. This does not effect spell slots. This effect lasts 120 seconds.

Nightingale of Subterfuge

As an action, you can cast confusion as an 8th level spell. This does not effect spell slots. This effect lasts 120 seconds.

Nightingale of Strife

As an action, you can cast freedom of movement on yourself. This does not effect spell slots. This effect lasts 120 seconds.

The Mage Stone

You have chosen the path of the mind and universe, bending reality to your whim to either empower yourself or cripple others. You gain 2 of the following proficiencies: Animal Handling, Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, and Religion. Rather than gaining any proficiencies with armor or weapons, you instead gain the ability to learn spells similar to how a wizard would learn their spells. You also gain 3 cantrips. These 3 cantrips are Ray of Frost, Firebolt, and Shocking Grasp. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these cantrips.

Vision of Magnus

Starting at 1st level, you have the ability to read and innately tune to magical scripts and texts. When you read a script of magic, you innately learn the spell or incantation, however, you cannot cast or prepare the spell if you do not have the spell slot available for said spell. It takes the number of hours to study the spell equal to the level of spell, minimum of 1 hour, maximum of 5. You can also learn cantrips in this way by studying a magical text of said cantrip for an hour. You recover all spent spell slots after a long rest.

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these learned spells. So you use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Blade of Kagrenac

At 3rd level, your research into the mages of old has given you an innate attachment to a crystal dagger called "The Blade of Kagrenac". This blade can be summoned to your hand as an action, and stays with you until it is dismissed. You are proficient with this blade. This blade deals 1d6 piercing damage. When a creature is hit by this blade, you may roll a d4 to determine an additional elemental damage. If you roll a 1, you roll 1d4 for additional fire damage. If you roll a 2, you roll 1d4 for cold damage. If you roll a 3, you roll 1d4 lightning damage. And if you roll a 4, you roll 1d4 for each of these elements. This additional damage can only be achieved as many times equal to your charisma modifier, before you must perform a 1 hour ritual, channeling elemental magic into the blade once again.


At 7th level, you have learned to channel arcane energies into your gear. There are however, requirements to do so.

Soul Gems

Soul Gems are arcane gems that have the capability to capture the souls of the dead, which can be later used in enchanting and charging your weapons. There are 5 levels of soul gems, each depicting what types of souls they have the capacity to capture. These levels are Petty, Lesser, Common, Greater, Grand, and Black. Petty soul gems are able to capture the souls of non-humanoid creatures with a CR of 1/4 or lower. Lesser soul gems are able to capture the souls of non-humanoid creatures with a CR of 1 or lower. Common soul gems are able to capture the souls of non-humanoid creatures with a CR of 4 or lower. Greater soul gems are able to capture the souls of non humanoid creatures with a CR of 16 or lower. Grand soul gems can capture the souls of non-humanoid creatures with a CR of 30 or lower. Black soul gems are able to capture the souls of any creature with a CR of 30 or lower, including humanoids.

You can create Soul Gems, each one has a creation time. Petty Soul Gems can be created after a short rest. Lesser Soul Gems can be created after a long rest. Common Soul Gems can be created after a week of work. Greater Soul Gems can be created after a month of work. Grand and Black Soul Gems can be created after one year of work. Note: normally only evil-aligned characters use a Black Soul Gem.

There are many other ways to acquire Souls Gems, some examples of earning a Soul Gem are killing wizards, magically affiliated enemies, buying them from magic shops and court wizards, mining veins of geode or found as random loot and containers.


Enchanted gear in this manner only retains its magic for so long, and thus must have a constant supply of souls to utilize. Petty souls enchant gear to have 2 charges before needing to be recharged, but only provide 1 charge when recharging. Lesser souls enchant gear to have 3 charges before needing to be recharged, but only provide 2 charges when recharging. Common souls enchant gear to have 4 charges before needing to be recharged, but only provide 3 charges when recharging. Greater souls enchant gear to have 6 charges before needing to be recharged, and provide 6 charges when recharging your equipment. Grand souls enchant gear to have 12 charges before needing to be recharged, and provide 12 charges when recharging your equipment. Black souls enchant gear to have 24 charges before needing to be recharged, but only provide 12 charges when recharging your equipment.

Enchanted equipment uses up charges when the enchantment is utilized. An example would be that, if you had a weapon that dealt additional fire damage on hit, then every successful hit would consume a charge. Once a piece of equipment has used up all of its charges, it no longer gains the benefits from said enchantments until the equipment is recharged.

When a soul gem is used to charge your equipment, the soul gem is destroyed, and the soul is consumed.

Harvesting Souls

When you kill a creature, in order to harvest their soul, you must have them exhale their dying breath into the crystal. Doing so will cause the gem to glow in a purple color, identifying that the soul has been captured. However, if the soul is too large for the soul gem, it will begin to glow, but will then shatter and be worthless.

Enchanting and Disenchanting

In order to enchant your gear, you must have either purchased a tome on the sought after enchantment, or disenchanted an already enchanted weapon. Reading a tome on an enchantment takes 4 hours. When disenchanting already enchanted equipment, the equipment is destroyed, and the enchantment is transferred over to the equipment you're enchanting. Enchantments can stack. Note: artifacts usually have specific ways of being destroyed, so they will not be destroyed in this way.

Celestial Fate

At 12th level, the stars have finally lined up to align with their destiny. This leaves him innately attuned to the stars and the constellations they form. These constellations provide a form of energy, causing your magic to contact the cosmos. You can spend 1 minute studying the stars, after that recover all your spent spell slots. After recovering the magic slots with this feature, you must end a long rest before doing this again.

Blessing of Magnus

At 18th level, you have achieved great arcane secrets. Choose a spell up to 9th level from any list of spells. You can cast this spell once per long rest.

You can always exchange this spell for another after a week of arcane studies.

Dovahkiin Spell List

You can know all of the spells on the basic Wizard spell list and any additional spells granted by your subclass.

Dovahkiin Thu'um List

For each blessing of Akatosh received, you gain the knowledge of a Thu'um from this list.

Raan Mir Tah, Animal Allegiance

This shout affects a 15 ft. cone. At 1st tier, when a creature of the beast type with a CR of 1/2 or lower is caught in this radius, they must make a Wisdom DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or fall under the effects of Animal Friendship until the end of the round. At 2nd tier, when a creature of the beast type with a CR of 1 or lower is caught in this radius, they must make a Wisdom DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or fall under the effects of Animal Friendship until the end of the round. And at 3rd tier, when a creature of the beast type with a CR of 2 or lower is caught in this radius, they must make a Wisdom DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or fall under the effects of Animal Friendship until the end of the round.

Laas Yah Nir, Aura Whisper

This shout only affects yourself. At 1st tier, you gain the same effects of Detect Poison and Disease. At 2nd tier, you also gain the effects of Detect Magic. And at 3rd tier, you also gain the effects of Detect Evil and Good. These effects last until the end of the round.

Mid Vur Shaan, Battle Fury

This shout affects in a 10 ft. radius around you. At 1st tier, any allies in the radius gain +1 to any attack rolls against an enemy in the radius or saving throws dealt by an enemy in the radius. At 2nd tier, any allies in the radius gain +2 to any attack rolls against an enemy in the radius or saving throws dealt by an enemy in the radius. And at 3rd tier, any allies in the radius gain +3 to any attack rolls against an enemy in the radius or saving throws dealt by an enemy in the radius. These effects last until the end of the round.

Feim Zii Gron, Become Ethereal

This shout only affects yourself. At 1st, 2nd, and 3rd tiers, you take an ethereal form, unable to deal any non magical damage or take any non magical damage from the material plane. 1st tier lasts for 1 turn, 2nd tier lasts for 2 turns, and 3rd tier lasts for 3.

Gol Hah Dov, Bend Will

This shout affects a 15ft. cone. At 1st tier, this shout only effects elementals. At 2nd tier, this shout only effects humanoids. And at 3rd tier, this shout only affects dragons. When a creature of the specified type is caught in this shout, they must make a Wisdom DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier, or fall under the effects of Command. These effects last until the end of the round.

Lok Vah Koor, Clear Skies

This shout affects the environment only, weather in specific. At 1st tier, when you shout into the sky, the weather is cleared, and benefits from weather are removed. At 2nd tier, the skies are cleared completely, providing a perfect view of the sky above. And at 3rd tier, when the skies are cleared, the air becomes comfortably warm with sunlight.

Ven Gaar Nos, Cyclone

This shout affects a 15ft. cone. At 1st tier, creatures of medium size or smaller affected by this must roll a Strength DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or are pushed back 15 feet and take 1d6 force damage. Creatures of large size or larger only suffer from the damages. At 2nd tier, creatures of medium size or smaller affected by this must roll a Strength DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or are pushed 20 feet back and take 2d6 force damage. Creatures of large size or larger only suffer from the damages. At 3rd tier, creatures of medium size or smaller must roll a Strength DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or are pushed 25 feet back and take 3d6 force damage. If the creature succeeds in the saving throw, they do not take the applied damages. Creatures of large sized or larger only suffer from the damages.

Zun Haal Vik, Disarm

This shout affects a 15ft. cone. At 1st tier, creatures caught in this shout must roll a Strength DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or suffer the affects as according to the shout tier. At 1st tier, a creature holding a weapon with the light property are disarmed, and their weapons are thrown 10 feet away from the creature. At 2nd tier, a creature wielding a weapon that does not have the heavy property are disarmed, and their weapons are thrown 10 feet away from the creature. And at 3rd tier, a creature wielding a weapon of any type with the heavy property or lighter are disarmed, and the weapons are thrown 10 feet away from the creature.

Faas Ru Maar, Dismay

This shout affects a 15ft. cone. At 1st tier, any creature caught in the affected area of CR 1/2 or less must roll a Wisdom DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or suffer from the frightened condition. At 2nd tier, any creature caught in the affected area of CR 1 or less must roll a Wisdom DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or suffer from the frightened condition. And at 3rd tier, any creature caught in the affected area of CR 2 or less must roll a Wisdom DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or suffer from the frightened condition.

Mul Qah Diiv, Dragon Aspect

This shout affects only yourself and can only be used at 3rd tier. Once per day, you physically embody the spirit of a dragon, and gain the following benefits. These effects last for 3 rounds. You must complete a long rest before you can use this shout again.: - You gain resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage. - You gain resistance to cold, fire, lightning, and acid damage. - You gain the ability to use Fus Ro Dah each round of play.

Suh Grah Dun, Elemental Fury

This shout affects only yourself and can only be used at a 2nd tier level. When you use this shout, you gain advantage on attack rolls, and deal 1 extra cold, fire, and lightning damage on successful hits. This effect lasts for 2 rounds.

Yol Toor Shul, Fire Breath

This shout affects a 15ft. cone. At 1st tier, any creature that is caught in this area must roll a Dexterity DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or take 1d6 fire damage. The creatures take half as much if they are successful. At 2nd tier, any creature that is caught in this area must roll a Dexterity DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or take 2d6 fire damage. The creatures take half as much if they are successful. And at 3rd tier, any creature that is caught in this area must roll a Dexterity DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or take 3d6 fire damage. The creatures take half as much if they are successful.

Fo Krah Diin, Frost Breath

This shout affects a 15ft. cone. At 1st tier, any creature that is caught in this area must roll a Constitution DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or take 1d6 cold damage. The creatures take half as much if they are successful. At 2nd tier, any creature that is caught in this area must roll a Constitution DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or take 2d6 cold damage. The creatures take half as much if they are successful. And at 3rd tier, any creature that is caught in this area must roll a Constitution DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or take 3d6 cold damage. The creatures take half as much if they are successful.

Iiz Slen Nus, Ice Form

This shout affects a 15ft. cone. Creatures of medium size or smaller must make a Constitution DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or suffer from the following effects. Large and larger sized creatures are not affected by this. At 1st tier, creatures that are caught in the area's movement speed is reduced by 5 and take 1d4 cold damage. At 2nd tier, creatures that are caught in this area's movement speed is reduced by 10 and take 1d6 cold damage. And at 3rd tier, creatures that are caught in this area's movement speed is reduced to 0, and they take 2d6 cold damage. Creatures who succeed the saving through only suffer from the movement losses.

Krii Lun Aus, Marked for Death

This shout affects a 15ft. cone. Using this shout causes a level of exhaustion to yourself. At 1st tier, any creature that is not undead, construct, or elemental, must roll a Constitution DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or suffer disadvantage on attack rolls. At 2nd tier, any creature that is not undead, construct, or elemental, must roll a Constitution DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and have their movement speed halved. And at 3rd tier, any creature that is not undead, construct, or elemental, must roll a Constitution DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier or suffer disadvantage on attack rolls, have their movements speed halved, and -2 from their armor class. The effects of this shout last until the end of the round.

Tiid Klo Ul, Slow Time

This shout affects a 15ft. radius around you. Using this shout causes a level of exhaustion to yourself. Any creatures while in the radius are affected by this. These creatures speed is halved, and have disadvantage on any attack rolls against you, while you have advantage on attack rolls against the affected creatures. Any creatures outside of the radius also get advantage on attack rolls against the affected creatures. This also affects allies. At 1st tier, this effect lasts for one round. At 2nd tier, this effect lasts for two rounds. And at 3rd tier, this effect lasts for 3 rounds.

Strun Bah Qo, Storm Call

This shout affects only one creature and can only be used at 3rd tier. Once per day, you call to the skies to create a storm, of which a thunderbolt will hit one creature of your choice, dealing 8d6 lightning damage. After the storm is called, it stays around, lightning and thunder booming through the sky as wind whips by and heavy rain pelts the ground. Lightning may strike at random, however, the targets of the lightning are up to to the DM, and they can include you. There can be at most 1 lightning strike per round. A regular lightning strike deals 5d6 lightning damage. You must complete a long rest to use this shout, or any other shout again.

Zul Mey Gut, Throw Voice

This shout affects a single point out to a range of 120ft. This shout can only be used in 2nd tier. At 2nd tier, you are able to manifest your voice at any visible point within a range of 120ft. Creatures that hear this sound must make an Intelligence DC of 10 + your strength modifier + your charisma modifier, or are deceived into thinking your voice had actually come from that direction, however, if the creature or creatures succeed in their saving throw, they know that the vocal manifestation is a trick, and will begin to search for you.

Wuld Nah Kest, Whirlwind Sprint

This shout only affects yourself. At 1st tier, you dash in a straight line 30ft. in addition to your movement speed. At 2nd tier, you dash in a straight line 45ft. in addition to your movement speed. And at 3rd tier, you dash in a straight line 75ft.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Dovahkiin class, you must meet these prerequisites: You must have a Strength Score of 15 or higher, and a Charisma score of 14 or higher. You also must have draconic blood or have some connections with dragons through some magical aspect, and be able to speak, read, and write draconic.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the class, you gain the following proficiencies: Athletics and Survival for the Warrior Stone, Arcana and either Nature or Religion for the Mage Stone, Stealth and Sleight of Hand for the Thief Stone.

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