Rabbit Phobia (3.5e Flaw)

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Rabbit Phobia

You have a irrational fear of rabbits
Prerequisite: None
Effect: You have an absolute fear of rabbits.

If you see anything that looks remotely rabbit-like, you are shaken until you can no longer see the rabbit plus an additional three rounds.

If cornered by a rabbit (actual rabbit) for more than three rounds, you act as if under the effects of the Insanity spell for 24 hours.

Benefit: Bonus Feat.
Roleplaying Ideas: If you are running a campaign based off of comedic happenings instead of serious role play suggesting severe character flaws such as Rabbit Phobia would be an interesting spin, it also is useful if you make a NPC character have this flaw, as it adds a sudden overall fear of rabbits in that campaign.

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