Human, Inherited Skill (5e Race Variant)

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Human Variant

Do you worry about the state of the world? Shake in your boots at the very thought of a fight. The impending envasion of the hoards of hell have your pants so full of your excrement that the back of your pants drags behind you? Unable to please your significant other? Well there is no need to fear for I am the Man for the job! I can do it all from a simple little goblin fight to the most ancient of dragons nothing will stop me from finishing my job. The world? Saved! The Fight? Won! Your wife? Satisfied.

The man for the job variant is something recomended for use on campaigns for people wanting to play stronger characters. Or those starting at a higher level than 4. Recomended DM's look at this variant and either test it before hand think if it will fit with your story.

Ability Score Increase. You may increase one ability score of your choice by +2, and another by +1.

Skilled. The man for the job is skilled in many aspects of life. Pick two skills to gain proficiency in.

Expertise. Tha man always has that extra omph when it comes to what he knows best. You gain expertise in one skill.

Something Special. The man always has that gift that just raises him higher than others. Gain a feat at 1st level.

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