Female Titan (5e Creature)

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Female Titan

Gargantuan aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 21 (natural armor)
Hit Points 227 (13d20 + 91)
Speed 90 ft.

27 (+8) 26 (+8) 24 (+7) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 9 (-1)

Saving Throws Dexterity +14
Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +14
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common and Marley
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP)

Transformation. A Titanshifter can transform into a Titan, in this case, the Female Titan. When the Titanshifter in human (or humanoid) form has a purpose in her heart and damages themselves, she shifts into a Titan. The Titan forms out of air and manifests in seconds. The shifter's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores stay the same (the ones in the stat block are from the Annie, the shifter from Attack on Titan). Once the Titanshifter wants to revert back to humanoid form, she will pop out of the Titan's nape, and the body will slowly melt into steam.

Curse of Ymir. 13 years after its first transformation, the Titanshifter will die. Only a wish spell can prevent this from happening.

Quick Harden. The Female Titan's unique trait is to harden, although most titans can learn this, the Female Titan has a better version of this similar to the Warhammer titan, able to harden her fist or leg right as she is about to attack or deflect an enemy attack. The Female Titan automatically has the variant trait: Skin Hardening, but can do it as many times as her constitution modifier(minimum of 1) per titan shift instead of once and they can do it as a bonus action/reaction instead of an action/reaction. The one downside is that they will each last until the start of her next turn instead of a minute.

High Endurance The Female Titan is exceptionally mobile and physically fit, capable of long distance travel similar to the Cart Titan. In this case, it gives the Female Titan extra 20 ft. of movement speed(already included) and advantage on constitution saving throws when saving from exhaustion.

Call the Horde The Female Titan has a unique roar similar to the Attack Titan, although its not meant to frighten her enemies, it is instead meant for calling mindless Titans towards her, and such Titans who hear her within a 200 ft. radius will be compelled to follow in the Female Titan's general direction until otherwise.

Siege Monster. The Female Titan deals double damage to objects and structures.

Regeneration. The Female Titan recovers 20 hit points at the start of each of its turns. The humanoid inside it also regenerates half of these hit points. If the Female Titan takes any form of damage to the nape of its neck, this trait doesn't function at the end the Female Titan's next turn. The Female Titan only dies if the humanoid inside it dies.

Weak Point. The nape of the Female Titan's neck is a weak point. An attack which specifically targets the Female Titan's nape deals damage to the person inside (usually a commoner unless otherwise specified by the DM). If the person inside dies, the Titan dies instantly. You must climb up the Female Titan to the nape with a Melee attack, or you can try to shoot it with a ranged weapon at disadvantage.


Multiattack. The Female Titan makes two punch attacks, and may replace one of them with one kick attack.

Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 63 (8d12 + 9) Bludgeoning damage and if the target is Huge or smaller, they must make a DC 22 strength save or be knocked prone.

Kick. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 25 ft., one target. Hit: 75 (12d10 + 9) Bludgeoning damage, and if the target is large or smaller they must make a DC 22 strength save or be launched 20 ft.

Variant Trait: Skin Hardening

This is a trait that all titanshifters can learn through practice. What it does is essentially harden the skin so that only adamantine and heavy-impact weapons could break through it. As an action or reaction, the Female Titan can turn a portion of their skin into hardened Titan skin, an almost indestructible material that weighs next to nothing more. When used, it remains for one minute before dissipating. This feature can only be used once per titan shift. If a hand or foot is hardened, the attack coordinating to that limb deals double damage. Increase the Female Titan's Challenge rating by one if this feature is used.

Alternatively, if the Female Titan shifter has ingested the armor serum, this ability can be used to create hardened tendrils from the body of the titan in order to create near-indestructible structures. As an action, the Female Titan can make it's entire body become frozen in the hardened skin and cannot move (except for the nape). For every round following this one, the Female Titan can create up to 50 cubic feet of hardened Titan skin structures, so long as it all connects and can support itself. This can be done for the next minute, and remains even if the Titanshifter leaves the nape of the titan. If this feature is used, increase the challenge rating of the Female Titan by another 1.

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