Werewolf: Half-Wolf (5e Race)

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The werewolf packs can be found in many villages.

Physical Description

Werewolves of this origin are pretty much humans with wolf ears, tails, and some heightened senses. They are medium size beings, but their bulkiness and weight may vary

Lore and Interesting info

A legend about this mysterious branch of werewolves lurks in common folk lore. Myths tell of the original werewolf: The Ultima. As the legend goes, the Ultima is the only werewolf of this race to be able to turn humans and half humans (this includes half-elves and at dm's discretion, half orcs) into werewolves. It was also speculated that the Ultima could change a werewolf into a human. Legend tells of two ways the Ultima could change people. One being a bite while their fangs are bared, the other being when their eyes turn crimson red; known as their "untamed" eyes. While the eyes can be fatal to humans and half humans, as the process is painful and dangerous, the fangs won't kill; despite still being excruciatingly painful. However, modern werewolves will either live in packs as wild Werewolves, or among people as Domestic Werewolves. Werewolves (being half canine) cannot have chocolate, EVER!


Werewolves are a pack Race. They like to stick together in large packs in the wild, or small packs when in civilization. Pack members all look out for each other. though you will find the occasional lone wolf. Each pack has different rules, and a different culture. But all packs follow similar Werewolf Etiquette.

Werewolf Names

Werewolves generally use human names, with a few exceptions.

Werewolf Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Constitution both increase by 1.
Age. Lives around 130 years old, and matures around the rate of a human.
Alignment. Alignment can vary from person to person, though they are mostly either chaotic or neutral bound.
Size. Being of a similar height to that of a human your size is Medium.
Speed. Your innate leg muscle strength comes from being half canine. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Darkvision. You can see 60 feet around you in dim light as if it were bright, and in darkness you see dim. Color can not be distinguished in dark light. Only shades of grey.
Canine Speech. You can speak to and understand dogs, wolves, and canine familiars. This does not count as a language.
Hybridity. You are immune to lycanthropy, and disease. You are resistant to poison
Canine senses. You have proficiency in Perception checks and can track a smell with said check
Shifting. As an action you can shift into the form of a wolf, you keep all clothing and items on your person, however as a wolf, you cannot use any of them
Silver weakness. You are resistant to damage dealt by non-silver bludgeoning weapons, but are weak to silver weapons
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Wild pack

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom Goes up by 2
Wild heritage. you gain proficiency in Survival checks

civilized pack

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma Goes up by 2
civil nature. living in towns and cities has given you proficiency in one Charisma based skill

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