Bladed Whip (5e Equipment)

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Bladed Whip

Martial Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Bladed Whip 50 gp 1d4 slashing 6 lb. Finesse, Reach, Special, Versatile(1d6)

A long whip made of chains and small curved blades which facilitate the grappling of opponents, and a claw at the end.

While holding this weapon with both hands, you can swing the chain at a Large, Medium, or Small creature and attempt to restrain it. First make an attack roll with disadvantage, if you hit, deal damage make a Grapple check against the creature. If you succeed, it is grappled. The creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check to freeing itself. If a grappled creature is made to leave the reach of this weapon by force, it takes 1d4 slashing damage and is no longer grappled. This attack has no effect on creatures that are formless, creatures that are Huge or larger, or creatures Tiny or smaller, and can not be used by a character with less than 13 dexterity or already has disadvantage.

While grappled, a creature the weapon loses its Reach property, and you cannot make other attacks with this weapon. If you let go of the weapon or stop using the Versatile property, the creature is freed.

This weapon lose its Special feature if it is not used with the Dexterity modifier, or if the user is not proficient in martial weapons.

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