User:ZarHakkar/Half-Goblin Variant (5e Race)
Physical Description
Their skin usually comes in ranges of greens, olives, peaches, tan and darker browns, and some rare half-goblins can have skin pigments of grays or pinks. Their hair ranges from Browns, blacks, greens, blues, and blonde, sometimes red. Their eyes are most commonly Brown, Green, blue, Red, or even Black. The Scleroses of a half-goblin are most commonly off whites with yellow tints. But they can lean more into pale whites or goblin yellows.
Because of their incredible adaptability and versatility, seeing a half-goblin isn't as rare as one might think. These types of goblins can be found almost anywhere, but for a more "sophisticated" goblin it is very easy to see them among other humanoids, like halflings, gnomes, humans, and dwarfs.
As naturally curious beings, they search for adventure, maybe they want to find other half-goblinoids, or do they want to climb the ranks of a society more well adapted then that of goblins. Almost any reason can be found among these creative and adventurous bunch.
They often begin adventuring only a few years after reaching maturity, but young, naive half-goblinoids can still be found. When making a half-goblin it's important to consider what kind of society were they raised in, could they be the rare offspring of an evil-party of thieving goblins, or a goblin abandoned into a human society with a unnatural upbringing. On top of this consider how well they fit in, it's not too uncommon to find these goblins outcast and mistreated no matter where they live.
Half-Goblin Names
A Half-Goblin's name is entirely dependent on their childhood, were they raised within a Goblin tribe, or were they brought up in a human society. Pick a name that fits their upbringing. Below you'll find examples for both humanoid and goblinoid names.
Male Human: Fodel, Kosef, Luth, Ramas, Ivor, Geth, Stor
Male Goblin: Klolb, Gnic, Slazurid, Aduk, Grashird,Piodok, Kyq
Female Human: Mara, Olma, Nulara, Imzel, Murithi, Nulara, Kethra
Female Goblin: Chesx, Iardath, Fliafs, Feal, Lene, Wotzasx, Josxia
Half-Goblin Traits
Ability Score Increase. +2 Dexterity, and two other ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
Age. Half-Goblin's can adventure the worlds at any age, but are most commonly found when maturing. They very often want to explore and adventure to find out more about their purpose in the world.
Alignment. Because of their goblin ancestries, they don't shy away from evil tendencies, and are usually very neutral when it comes to laws or morals.
Size. Ranging from above 3 feet to just under 5 feet, Half-goblins are taller than their full-blooded family, your size is Small
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Nimble Escape. You can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of your turns.
Languages. Common, Goblin
Random Height and Weight
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
3′ 2'' | +2d10 | 38 lb. | × (1d8) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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