Pact of the Stand (5e Pact Boon)

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Pact of the Stand

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Your Patron has entrusted you with an otherworldly spirit tied to your being, or a Stand. As a bonus action on your turn, you can summon your Stand into an empty space no more than 5 feet away from you. Your Stand’s size is Medium, and is your choice of Aberration, Celestial, Elemental, Fey, or Fiend. Your Stand has an Armor Class equal to 15 + your Charisma modifier, 1 hit point, immunity to all conditions, and a walking (hover) speed equal to your walking speed. If your Stand would take any damage, you instead take that much damage of the appropriate type. Your Stand acts on your initiative. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move your Stand up to its speed in feet or direct your Stand to attack a creature within 5 feet of it. This attack uses your Spell Attack Modifier, and does 1d8 + your Charisma modifier magical Bludgeoning or Force damage (your choice) on a hit. You can cast spells from your Stand's location. Your Stand is destroyed if it moves more than 10 x your proficiency bonus feet away from you. Your Stand lasts up to 1 minute, unless you become incapacitated or you recall it with a bonus action.

Related Invocations

Crazy Diamond

Prerequisite: Pact of the Stand feature

Whenever your Stand deals damage, it can deal Radiant damage instead of whatever type it could normally deal. You learn the mending cantrip, and can cast Cure Wounds with a warlock spell slot. These spells do not count towards your known spells or cantrips.

Dark Blue Moon

Prerequisite: Pact of the Stand feature

Your Stand gains a swimming speed equal to its walking speed. You learn the Shape Water cantrip, and it does not count towards your known cantrips.

Hanged Man

Prerequisite: 11th level, Pact of the Stand feature

Whenever your Stand deals damage, it can instead deal Slashing damage instead of whatever type it could normally deal. You can use a bonus action to make your Stand Invisible unless viewed via its reflection, and can end this effect with another bonus action

Hierophant Green

Prerequisite: Pact of the Stand feature

When attacking using your Stand, you can instead make a ranged attack with range 30/90. You can only add half your Charisma modifier to your attack and damage rolls when attacking this way.

Highway Star

Prerequisite: Pact of the Stand feature

Whenever your Stand deals damage, it can instead deal Necrotic damage instead of whatever type it could normally deal. Additionally, your Stand's base walking speed increases by a number of feet equal to 5 x your Charisma modifier (minimum 5).


Prerequisite: Pact of the Stand feature

Whenever your Stand deals damage, it can instead deal Cold damage instead of whatever type it could normally deal. You learn the Ray of Frost cantrip, and it does not count towards your known cantrips.

Made in Heaven

Prerequisite: Level 5, Pact of the Stand feature

You can cast the Haste spell once without using a spell slot, and you gain the ability to do so once you finish a long rest. When you cast Haste this way, the benefits apply to both you and your Stand, and you can use the extra action to attack with your Stand

Magician's Red

Prerequisite: Pact of the Stand feature

Whenever your Stand deals damage, it can instead deal Fire damage instead of whatever type it could normally deal. You can cast Burning Hands as a 1st level spell without expending a spell slot a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You regain all uses once you finish a long rest.

Purple Haze

Prerequisite: Pact of the Stand feature

Whenever your Stand deals damage, it can instead deal Poison damage instead of whatever type it could normally deal. You learn the Poison Spray cantrip, and it does not count towards your known cantrips.

Red Hot Chili Pepper

Prerequisite: Pact of the Stand feature

Whenever your Stand deals damage, it can instead deal Lightning damage instead of whatever type it could normally deal. Additionally, your Stand can move a maximum of 15 x your Proficiency bonus feet away from you.

Silver Chariot

Prerequisite: Pact of the Stand feature

Whenever your Stand deals damage, it can instead deal Piercing damage instead of whatever type it could normally deal. Additionally, your Stand's attacks use a d10 for their damage die.

Star Platinum

Prerequisite: Level 11, Pact of the Stand feature

Your Stand can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you direct it to do so.

Sticky Fingers

Prerequisite: Pact of the Stand feature

When attacking with your Stand, it has 10 feet of reach.

The World

Prerequisite: Level 15, Pact of the Stand feature

You can use a bonus action on your turn to cast Time Stop, except that it lasts for only 1 turn. Once you do so, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

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