Armor of the Anti-Mage (5e Equipment)

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Armor (any), artifact (requires attunement)

This unbreakable armor is the best in all of Grelûn. It can break adamantine weapons and prevent a man from losing his head in more ways than one. It is seemingly weightless. A calming, soothing feeling comes to those who wield it, bolstering them with courage and willpower. Only the greatest of heroes can truly hope to attain such a powerful ward against evil.
*You have a +3 bonus to AC while wearing this magic armor.

  • This suit of armor is reinforced with adamantine and mithril, one of the hardest substances in existence. While you're wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.
  • This armor doesn't impose disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and doesn't have a Strength requirement.
  • The area in a 10 foot sphere centered on this armor is always under the effects of the antimagic field spell. Creatures and items in the area can be unaffected if you wish them to be.
    Destroying the Armor of The Anti-Mage. The armor can be destroyed by being thrown into the astral plane for 100 years.

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