Earth Bender (5e Class)

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Earth Bender

A simple example of Earth bending form


A dwarf swings her warhammer down on her opponent’s shoulder with a sickening crack. The opponent’s body sinks into the ground beneath them, holding them firm in place.

The human leaps from a high cliff down into the battleground. As he lands, a massive shockwave is sent out, knocking everyone nearby on their backs. He then lifts up a rock to take advantage of this fine opportunity with a grin.

An elf draws his arms close to himself, as many rocks also come near. The earth around him becomes a set of earthen armor, leaving only a thin line in front of his eyes.

Earth Benders have the innate ability to manipulate rocks and stone to their will. They often wait for just the right opportunity to attack, thusly turning the tables in their advantage.


Earth Bending draws upon substance. Earth, in the end, is just material, and Earth Benders take this to heart. Earth Bending forms are often simple and direct. What you see is what you get.

Raising and Training

Most Earth Benders come from the Earth Kingdom. The Earth Kingdom itself is very diverse, with many people from all nations living in it. The native people of the Earth Kingdom are strong and enduring, much like the earth itself.

The earliest Earth Benders were the badgermoles, who then went on to teach two lovers how to Earth Bend so that they could meet one another in secret. From then, Earth Bending spread far and wide.

For an Earth Bender to become an adventurer, they would need some reason to go out and travel instead of living their life in the Earth Kingdom. Perhaps they don’t want to continue their family’s trade. Maybe they want to see every form of Earth Bending in the world.

Creating an Earth Bender

As you make your Earth Bender, think about how you were raised and taught in the Earth Kingdom. Did you have a stiff, uncaring teacher? Were you of the upper or lower class in the kingdom? Do you not have that iconic, unyielding nature that most Earth Benders have, and you were made fun of for it?

Consider why you left the Earth Kingdom. Are you tired of the same old day-to-day life of the city? Did you hear about a legendary Earth Bender and want to follow in their footsteps? Did you realize there’s corruption in the kingdom, which you seek to purify?

Most Earth Benders are among the Neutral alignments because of their natural enduring nature in all circumstances. The diversity of the Earth Kingdom can cause an Earth Bender to be nearly any alignment, though.

Quick Build

You can make an Earth Bender quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Constitution your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the guild artisan background.

Class Features

As a Earth Bender you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Earth Bender level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Earth Bender level after 1st


Armor: Light, Medium, and Heavy
Weapons: Simple weapons, bludgeoning Martial weapons
Tools: Potter's Tools
Saving Throws: Constitution, Strength
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • any melee bludgeoning weapon
  • a dugeoneer's pack
  • potter's tools
  • (a) a vial of antitoxin, or (b) a vial of basic poison, or (c) a light hammer

Table: The Earth Bender

Level Proficiency
Knock Down Chi Points Emergency Armor Basic/Advanced Tehnique Level Features
1st +2 Prone - 1d4 - - Patient Defense, Elemental Arts
2nd +2 Prone 2 1d4 - - Chi, Solid Footing
3rd +2 Prone 3 1d4 1/2 1-2 Seismic Senses, Earth Subelement
4th +2 Prone 4 1d4 1/2 1-2 Ability Score Improvement, Stuck in the Mud
5th +3 Prone and Winded 5 1d6 1/3 1-3 Extra Attack
6th +3 Prone and Winded 6 1d6 2/3 1-3 Earthen Attack, Subelement Feature
7th +3 Prone and Winded 7 1d6 2/3 1-4 Seismic Senses Upgrade, Redirect Earth
8th +3 Prone and Winded 8 1d6 2/4 1-4 Ability Score Improvement, Shaky Landing
9th +4 Prone and Winded 9 1d6 2/4 1-5 Sturdy Spirit
10th +4 Prone and Winded 10 1d8 2/4 1-5 Solid Soul and Solid Soles
11th +4 Prone and Badly Winded 11 1d8 3/4 1-6 Subelement Feature
12th +4 Prone and Badly Winded 12 1d8 3/5 1-6 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Prone and Badly Winded 13 1d8 3/5 1-7 Seismic Senses Upgrade II, Earthly Detection
14th +5 Prone and Badly Winded 14 1d8 3/5 1-7 Elemental Weapon
15th +5 Prone and Badly Winded 15 1d10 3/6 1-8 Rock Strengthening
16th +5 Prone and Badly Winded 16 1d10 3/6 1-8 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Prone and Horribly Winded 17 1d10 4/6 1-9 Subelement Feature
18th +6 Prone and Horribly Winded 18 1d10 4/7 1-9 Shockwave
19th +6 Prone and Horribly Winded 19 1d10 4/7 1-9 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Prone and Horribly Winded 20 1d12 4/7 1-9 Seismic Sense Upgrade III, True Earthen Armor

Patient Defense

Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier.

Elemental Arts

At 1st level, your practice of bending arts has earned you some special abilities.

You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for attack and damage rolls when making an attack you are proficient in.

Knock Down When you hit an enemy in melee using the Attack action or an Advanced Technique of level 1 or higher that requires an attack roll, you can take a bonus action to attempt to knock your opponent prone. They must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Save DC, which is calculated further down the page. If they succeed, they avoid all effects. If they fail, they are knocked prone. The effects of failure grow more drastic as you level up, as seen in the Knock Down column of the Earth Bender table.

Prone and Winded
It costs all of your target’s movement to get up.
Prone and Badly Winded
It costs all of your target’s movement to get up and the target must succeed a Constitution Saving throw against your Save DC or not be able to use any reactions until the end of their next turn.
Prone and Horribly Winded
It costs all of your target’s movement to get up and the target must succeed a Constitution Saving throw against your Save DC or not be able to use any actions or reactions until the end of their next turn. A success results in them being able to use their actions, but not their reactions.

Emergency Armor: When you are hit by a ranged attack, melee attack, or spell attack that you are aware of, you can attempt to block the attack without using an action or reaction by rolling your Emergency Armor die, found in the Emergency Armor column of the Earth Bender table. Whatever you roll increases your AC by that much against that one attack. You can use this ability a total number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, then you must complete a long rest before using this feature again.

You know the Basic Technique mold earth, which does not count towards your Basic Technique limit shown in the Basic/Advanced column of the Earth Bender table.


Avatar Kyoshi - A pretty cool Earth Bender Avatar that made Kyoshi Island.


At 2nd level, you can start using more advanced Earth Bending techniques. The amount of energy that you have to bend is measured by your number of chi points. Your Earth Bender level determines the number of points you have, as shown in the Chi Points column of the Earth Bender table.

You can spend chi points to fuel various Earth Bending features. You start knowing three such features: Rumble, Rock Boots, and Earthen Armor. You learn more Earth Bending features as you level up.

When you spend a chi point, it is unavailable until you finish a short or long rest, at the end of which you draw all of your expended chi back into yourself. You must spend at least 30 minutes of the rest meditating to regain your chi points.

Some of the Earth Bending features require you to make a ranged bending attack to hit your target or your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effect. The bending attack bonus and save DC are calculated as follows:

Bending Abilities

Dexterity and Constitution are your bending abilities for your Earth Bender features and techniques. You must be able to move as swiftly as a rock slide, but stand firm like a mountain, unmoving against all opponents. You use Dexterity and Constitution whenever an Earth Bender feature or technique refers to your bending ability. In addition, you use your Dexterity and Constitution modifiers when setting the saving throw DC for an Earth Bender feature or technique you use and when making an attack roll with a feature.

Bending Modifier

Dexterity modifier divided by 2 (rounded down) + Constitution modifier divided by 2 (rounded up)

Bending Attack Bonus

Proficiency bonus + Bending Modifier

Save DC

Bending Attack Bonus + 8

Here are your first three Earth Bending features:


When you make a melee attack, as a bonus action you can spend 1 chi point to have your attack hit the ground to create a tremor. You can also do this as an action without making a melee attack. Every creature within a 20-foot radius of you must make a Dex saving throw or be knocked prone. You can expend extra chi points to increase the range of the rumble by 5-feet per chi point or cause certain creatures not to be affected by the rumble, 1 chi point per creature.

Rock Boots

As a bonus action, you can expend 1 chi point to bend the earth around your feet to create boots of rock. You can also use this on a willing creature, but it then acts as a concentration spell. The target of this ability has advantage against being knocked prone or shoved. Also, while on solid rock, the target’s movement speed increases by 10 feet. This buff lasts for 5 minutes.

Earthen Armor

As an action, you can expend chi points to bend earth onto yourself, raising your AC by the number of chi points expended, but only up to half your Earth Bender level. This ability cannot raise your AC by more than 5. If you are wearing light armor when using this ability, your AC cannot be raised by more than 3. If you are wearing medium armor, your AC cannot be raised by more than 2. If you are wearing heavy armor, your AC can only be raised by 1. You can use this on a willing creature, but it then acts as a concentration spell. This armor lasts for 1 minute.

Solid Footing

Starting at 2nd level, when walking on earth, (rocks, solid/normal ground, etc.) terrain cannot be difficult for you. You can use your bonus action to allow any ally within 15 feet to also have this benefit while walking through the difficult terrain.

Earth Bending Subelement

At 3rd level, you chose a subelement. Choose between Metal Bending, Lava Bending, and Sand Bending. All are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.

You will also get Advanced and Basic Earth Techniques at 3rd level. You start with 1 Basic Technique and 2 Advanced Techniques. You can only choose Advanced Techniques that have a level of 2 or lower. As your level increases, you will be able to learn higher level Earth Techniques, as shown in the Technique Level column of the Earth Bender table, as well as have more techniques prepared, as shown in the Basic/Advanced column of the Earth Bender table.

To use any given Advanced Technique requires you to consume a number of chi points equal to the technique’s level. Basic Techniques do not require any chi points.

To do techniques at higher levels, you simply expend the chi cost to use it at that level. However, you cannot do techniques at a higher level than you are capable of doing based on the Technique Level column. For example, as a 3rd level Earth Bender, you could increase a 1st level technique to a 2nd level, but you couldn't increase it to 3rd level technique.

When you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the Advanced or Basic Earth Techniques you know and replace it with another Advanced or Basic Technique from the Earth Technique list, which also must be of a level for which you are capable of.

The only material you need is enough earth or rock that the DM deems necessary to do the technique. Every technique has the "S" component, and never has a "V" component.

Seismic Senses

Starting at 3rd level, you have attuned your senses to feel vibrations in the earth caused by others. You gain 30 feet of tremorsense as long as you are touching the ground and the ground is made of earth or your subelement. You can pinpoint anything that is touching the ground within that range.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.

Stuck in the Mud

Starting at 4th level, when you make a melee attack, you can use 2 chi point to swing your attack to knock your target downwards into the ground. This only works when standing on earth. The target must make a Strength saving throw. A failure leads to them becoming restrained with their legs, tentacles, or whatever appendage that can be restrained stuck in the rock. They can take an action on subsequent turns to try to succeed on a Strength saving throw to break out of the rock.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Earthen Attack

Starting at 6th level, you can use a simple, offensive Earthbending technique for close-combat. You can attack by sending a hunk of earth or your subelement at a target within 5 ft. of you, dealing 1d6 + Bending modifier points of bludgeoning damage. You use your Bending Attack Bonus for this attack. This acts as a normal attack and is considered magical for the sake of overcoming non-magical resistances and immunities.

Seismic Senses Upgrade

Starting at 7th level, your tremorsense increases to 60 feet. You can also now tell if someone is lying or not by feeling their internal bodily movements through the earth. You make Insight checks with advantage when detecting if someone is lying.

Also, when an enemy attempts to make a melee attack towards you, you can use your reaction and consume 2 chi points to attempt to trap the attacker in earth before they hit you. The attacker makes Dex Save against your save DC. If they succeed they attack as normal. If they fail, they are encased in rock from their shoulders down and are considered restrained. They can take an action in subsequent turns to make Strength Saving throws against your Save DC to break out of the rock.

Redirect Earth

Starting at 7th level, you can use your reaction to attempt to bend any earth based attack or attack that is composed of your subelement to be weakened or nullyfied. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Bending modifier + your Earth Bender level.

If you reduce the damage to 0, you can spend 1 chi point to make a ranged bending attack (range 20/60 feet) and redirect the attack as part of the same reaction. However, you need to have at least one hand free in order to do that.

Only ranged attacks can be redirected at enemies, and trying to redirect any melee earth based attack or melee attack composed of your subelement costs you 2 chi points. If you reduce the damage to 0, you can spend another chi point to attempt to disarm the enemy by ripping the weapon out of the attacker's hand. Target has to make a strength saving throw against your Bending DC or be disarmed.

Shaky Landing

Starting at 8th level, when falling, you can use your reaction by spending 1 chi point to slam your fists into the ground, creating a quake as you land. When you use this feature, you take no fall damage. The radius of the quake is equal to half the height that you fell. Any creature within range must make a Dex saving throw. A failure results in taking 1d6 per 10 ft. fallen force damage, as well as being knocked prone. A success results in half damage and not being knocked prone. Extra chi points can be used to keep certain creatures or objects safe from the quake, 1 chi point per creature or object, or extending the quake radius by 5 foot increments per chi point.

Sturdy Spirit

Starting at 9th level, you can take an action to stop an effect that is causing you to be stunned or incapacitated.

Solid Soul and Solid Soles

Starting at 10th level, you are now immune to being knocked prone or being frightened.

Seismic Senses Upgrade II

Starting at 13th level, your tremorsense now increases to 90 feet and enables you to detect vibrations in the ground to perceive objects, creatures, and other aspects of their environment, essentially acting as sonar, but through earth and your subelement. You can now see in complete darkness within 90 feet of you as if it were dim light without an action or reaction. You tap your foot and can feel the vibrations bouncing off of objects in the room. If something is floating or not touching earth or your sub-element, you can’t see it.

Earthly Detection

Starting at 13th level, you have studied long and hard on detecting others through the earth as well as avoiding detection yourself. You gain proficiency in Perception and Stealth. If you were already proficient with one or both of these skills, you now have double proficiency.

Elemental Weapon

Starting at 14th level, as a bonus action, you can expend 4 chi points to create a bludgeoning weapon out of stone or earth. This weapon lasts 10 minutes. This weapon has a range of 10 feet. You can land a critical hit with this weapon by rolling a 19 or a 20. When attacking with this weapon, you can expend chi points to either increase accuracy rolls or damage rolls. Increasing accuracy rolls to or above 19 does not cause a critical hit. 1 chi point results in an increase of 1 to the roll. The roll increase is only for the one attack. The weapon does not permanently gain increased damage. To make an elemental weapon out of your subelement, you will have to expend 6 chi points instead of 4.

If you use your subelement, the weapon gains some special attributes:


The damage rolls increase by 5 and the attack rolls increase by 2.


Every time you deal damage, you lower the targets armor by 1 AC until the armor is no longer protecting them, and it melts. When the armor melts, you now deal 1d8 additional acid/fire damage for every attack.


When you damage an opponent, they must make a Constitution saving throw or become blinded and must use their action to make another saving throw to clear their eyes. This weapon lasts for 10 minutes.

Rock Strengthening

Starting at 15th level, you can consume 1 chi point, gather several rocks together and then compress them to make a single, incredibly dense rock as a bonus action. When you use this rock in an attack or an ability, the damage dice is treated as one category higher (1d6 changes to 1d8 etc, to a max of a d12). In addition, you can treat any 1 or 2 on a damage roll as a 3.


Starting at 18th level, you can use your action and 5 chi points to slam your fist into the ground, creating a massive shockwave. The shockwave has a radius of 90 feet centered on you. Whatever is within the radius becomes difficult terrain. Every creature in the radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. Failure causes the creature to take 8d8 force damage and forces them to make a Constitution saving throw. Failing the Constitution saving throw results in being knocked prone and horribly winded, and success resulting in being knocked prone and badly winded. Succeeding the Dexterity saving throw results in taking half damage, and not being knocked prone. You can expend extra chi points to allow certain creatures to be unaffected by the shockwave, 1 chi point per creature.

Seismic Senses Upgrade III

At 20th level, your tremorsense has increased to 120 feet.

True Earthen Armor

At 20th level, you can create a full set of armor around your entire body using either earth or your subelement. It takes an action and 9 chi points to make and lasts for 30 minutes.


Your AC increases by 6. Your movement speed while on rock or solid ground increases by 10.


Your AC increases by 6. You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.


Your AC increases by 4. You can walk across lava with no problems. Any non-magical weapons that damage you gain a -2 penalty to their damage every time they hit you until they can’t deal damage anymore, when they melt.


Your AC increases by 2. Your movement speed increases by 15. Ranged and melee attacks have disadvantage against you. You can walk through quick or thick sand with no negative effects.

Metal Bending

Metal door.gif
Armor is everywhere.

Metalbending is a sub-skill of Earthbending developed by Toph Beifong. Most Earth Benders are unable to affect processed metals. Usually, the trace amount of earth still present in metal is so minuscule that it goes undetected even by the best Earth Benders, lending to it's use in detaining Earth Benders. However, due to her ability to "see" earth, Toph was able to locate the small fragments of earth in metal, target them, and utilize them to "bend" the metal portion. Thus Metalbending was invented.

Becoming a Metal Bender allows you to know the technique shape metal as a 1st level technique. This does not count towards your technique limit. You can choose any of the Basic or Advanced Metal Bending Techniques listed near the end of the page as one of your character's known Earth Bending Techniques, as long as they are less than or equal to your character's current Technique Level. These still count towards your technique limit. You also gain the ability to use any of your Earth Bending features or techniques with metal, which may produce more damage, sturdier defenses, but may also be more difficult to do (DM's discretion).

Weapon Enhancement
Starting at 3rd level, you can bend metal around any weapon as a bonus action by expending 2 chi points to increase its damage rolls by 2. When applied to your elemental weapon or your hands, it increases the damage roll by 3 and the attack roll by 1. This buff lasts for 5 minutes.
Bent Out of Shape
Starting at 6th level, when attacked by someone using a metal weapon, you can use your reaction and 3 chi points to attempt to deform the weapon, making it useless. You must make a Constitution saving throw higher than the attacker’s accuracy. If you succeed, you take no damage and the weapon can now only be used as an improvised weapon that deals 1d4-1 bludgeoning damage. A failed saving throw results in you taking half damage, but the weapon is still intact. If the weapon is magical, you make the Constitution Saving Throw with disadvantage.

You can also make any metal object or a weapon (as long as it's not being held, equipped or carried) fly to your side or to your hand, as a bonus action. It must be within 60 feet of you.

Weapon Crafting
Starting at 11th level, you have mastered the art of creating items and weapons out of metal. You gain proficiency in Smith Tools when it comes to working with metal. You can also create any weapon, shield, item, etc. of your choosing, as long as there is enough metal around you to craft the item, by making a Metal Bending check (Bending modifier + proficiency + d20). Based on the roll and the difficulty of creating the item you are crafting, it is up to the DM to decide if you succeeded, and if there are any additional drawbacks or perks to your item. You must take a long rest before using this ability again.
Metal Encasing
Starting at 17th level, as an action, you can consume 8 chi points to completely encase a target in metal. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw. A success allows them to avoid being encased in the metal, but still take 6d8 force damage, and a failure results in them taking the damage and being trapped. Unless they have a spell or ability that can break through the metal, they cannot get out of this encasing by any means and are considered completely restrained. You can choose to allow air flow into the encasing or not. You can also use the Metal Bending Technique armor control on the target as a bonus action for 1 chi point.

Lava Bending

Lava slinging.gif
Give him the several hundred degree 1-2!

Lava Bending is a very rare form of Earth Bending that only a few Benders have mastered. No one knows why some Earth Benders can Lava Bend and others can't, but it is truly a power to respect.

Becoming a Lava Bender earns you the Basic Technique earth to lava. This does not count towards your technique limit. You can choose any of the Basic or Advanced Lava Bending Techniques listed near the end of the page as one of your character's known Earth Bending Techniques, as long as they are less than or equal to your character's current Technique Level. These still count towards your technique limit. You also gain the ability to use any of your Earth Bending features or techniques with lava, which may produce more damage, melting defenses, but may also be more difficult to do (DM's discretion).

Earth to lava: As a bonus action, you can turn a 10 foot cube of earth that is within 30 feet of you into lava. No object or creature can be over this earth. You can also reverse the process as another bonus action.

Weapon Enhancement
Starting at 3rd level, you can gather lava around your weapon as a bonus action by expending 2 chi points to lower the target’s armor’s AC when you land an attack. To lower the AC, you must roll the upper half of the damage die to lower the AC by 1. For example, if you were wielding a short sword, which has a damage die of 1d6, you would have to roll a 4-6 to have the AC drop - not deal 4-6 points of damage, mind you. You have to roll a 4-6 on your damage die. If you use this on your elemental weapon, once you have decayed the creatures armor, you can deal 1d6 acid/fire damage, whichever is more effective. This buff lasts for 5 minutes.
Lava Star
Starting at 6th level, as an action and consuming 3 chi points, you take a 5 foot cube’s worth of earth or lava and create a flying star made out of lava. This is a concentration ability. You can control its flight, moving it up to 30 feet as a bonus action. This lava star can never be more than 30 feet away from you. Otherwise, your concentration will immediately end. It can levitate, and can cut through rock and steel, although steel takes a long time, DM decides how long. Moving this lava star into a creature forces them to make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Save DC. On a failure, they take 4d6 acid/fire damage, whichever is more effective. On a success, they take half damage. You can only hit a creature once per turn, but you can hit multiple creatures per turn. If a character starts their turn, walks through, or ends their turn in the Lava Star, they take 2d6 acid/fire damage, even if it’s you. This Lava Star lasts for 10 minutes or until concentration is broken.
Seeping Lava
Starting at 11th level, you can use your action to create a hole that takes up a 5-foot square that is pouring lava. Every turn, the lava seeps out 5 feet from the hole in every direction. You can use your bonus action to direct the lava to seep in a different direction. For example, it could seep 20 feet north, 10 feet northeast, and 10 feet northwest. The lava must seep out 40 feet somehow. It cannot be pushed back into the hole by any means. This hole seeps for 10 minutes or you can stop it with an action. Once stopped, the lava hardens and anyone still in the lava takes 4d6 force damage and are restrained. If anyone starts, walks through, or ends their turn in lava, they take 6d6 acid/fire damage. Walking through lava is difficult terrain. You must take a long rest before using this ability again.
Lava Tornado
Starting at 17th level, you can create a tornado, wait for it....out of lava. You can take an action and consume 9 chi points to cast the Tornado spell, with the only material necessary being 30 feet worth of lava. This tornado deals normal damage plus 6d6 acid/fire damage. If a creature’s acid/fire damage is more than 18, the creature’s armor loses 2 AC, unless the armor is magical or has some sort of resistance to melting. If the armor eventually no longer provides any benefits, it melts. Weapons also melt under same rules. The damage output of the weapon drops by 2, unless they are magical or have some sort of resistance to melting. When the weapon cannot cause damage anymore, it melts.

Sand Bending

Sand skiff.gif
Heck, this is almost Air Bending!

Sand Bending is an odd variation of Earth Bending that is commonly used in the desert. Most Earth Benders are used to solid, unyielding rock, but Sand Benders have adapted to the constant shifting of sand and use it to their advantage.

Becoming a Sand Bender automatically earns you the Basic Technique earth to sand. This does not count towards your technique limit. You can choose any of the Basic or Advanced Sand Bending Techniques listed near the end of the page as one of your character's known Earth Bending Techniques, as long as they are less than or equal to your character's current Technique Level. These still count towards your technique limit. You also gain the ability to use any of your Earth Bending features or techniques with sand, which may produce more damage, blind opponents, but may also be more difficult to do (DM's discretion).

Earth to sand: You can turn a 10 foot cube’s worth of rock and solid earth within 30 feet of you into fine sand as a bonus action. No creature or object can be over this earth. You can also reverse this process, turning sand to hard earth. This sand is considered difficult terrain for non-Sand Benders.

Weapon Enhancement
Starting at 3rd level, you can coat your weapon with sand as a bonus action, costing you 2 chi points. When you attack an opponent, if you roll in the upper half of your damage die, the target must make a Constitution saving throw or will have disadvantage on all attack rolls until the end of their next turn. For example, if you were wielding a short sword, which has a damage die of 1d6, you would have to roll a 4-6 to cause the disadvantage - not deal 4-6 points of damage, mind you. You have to roll a 4-6 on your damage die. If you use this on your elemental weapon or your hands, rolling on the upper half causes the target to make the saving throw with disadvantage, and failure causes blindness until the end of the target’s next turn. This buff lasts for 5 minutes.
Shake Off the Dust
Starting at 6th level, you can rapidly release all the dust on you into the air around you as a bonus action. Any creature of your choosing within 10 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. There are three things that can occur here.
1. They succeed in their saving throw and are unaffected by the ability.
2. They barely fail the saving throw. For example, your save DC is 15. They barely failed by being in the top half of what is considered failing the saving throw, or 7-14 (half of Save DC rounded down). This results in blindness until the end of their next turn.
3. They really fail the saving throw. In the same example as above, this would be rolling a 1-6 on the saving throw. This causes the same effect as above plus 1 level of exhaustion as the dirt and dust enters their lungs.
You can consume a chi point to either extend the range of this ability by 5 foot increments or keep certain creatures safe from this ability. You cannot use this ability again until you’ve taken a long rest.
Dusty Lungs
Starting at 11th level, you can send a heavy stream of dust towards a creature within 60 feet of you as an action and consuming 5 chi points. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. If they are holding their breath, they have advantage on the saving throw. A success results in gaining 1 level of exhaustion. A failure results in gaining 3 levels of exhaustion. This ability can only cause any given creature to reach the third exhaustion level.
Starting at 17th level, as an action and consuming 7 chi points, you create a swirling sandstorm that has a radius of 60 feet. You are not affected by the following conditions:
-Everything the sandstorm covers is difficult terrain.
-Creatures inside of the sandstorm must succeed a Constitution saving throw or take 8d6 slashing damage from the sand and be blinded for the next 3 turns, or half damage and no blindness on a success. They do this at the beginning of every turn that they are inside of the sandstorm.
-When inside of the sandstorm, you cannot see beyond 5 feet away from you or hear at all, and you can’t see what’s inside from the outside either.
-You can use a bonus action to move the sandstorm up to 20 feet. You can expend extra chi points to protect certain objects or creatures from the sandstorm, 1 chi point for each creature/object. This sandstorm lasts for 5 minutes or when concentration is broken.

Earth Technique List

Earth Bending: Solid, Simple, and Solid.

Basic Techniques

Magic Stone (only you can attack with the pebbles. You can immediately attack with a pebble in the bonus action taken to do the technique. To keep the other pebbles ready to attack require concentration.)

Rock Slide

Ground Pound

Hailstone (any rock)

Stone Fist

Stone Shield

Control Earth

Earth Spikes

Minor Fissure

Elemental Blast (only bludgeoning)

Elemental Blow (only bludgeoning)

Elemental Edge (only bludgeoning)

Advanced Techniques

1st Level

Gorgath’s Rock-Volver

Earth Tremor

Earth Barrier

Earthen Grasp

Rock Wave

Stone Bolt

2nd Level

Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp

Rock Form (you don't create the rock, you still need a rock to do this)

Earthen Gauntlets

3rd Level

Crushing Earth

Earth Movement

Earthhaven (just stone)

Meld Into Stone

Erupting Earth

4th Level

Stone Shape

Spike Stones

5th Level

Earthen Prison (rock instead of vine)

Transmute Rock

Wall of Stone

Stone Drill

6th Level

Bones of the Earth

Move Earth

Investiture of Stone

7th Level

Zah-ll Dal’s Earth Phasing

8th Level


9th Level

Melon Lord Minions: You use your action to create several statues made of either earth or your sub-element that appear to be any creature you choose. If you create only 1 or 2, you can make them move like the creature and you can use your action to have them attack with whatever weapon you crafted for them to have or however they attack as long as it’s within reason for you to be able to craft them that weapon. Their movement speed is 15 feet. If you create more than 2 (max 6), they are simply statues of the creatures. They can possibly fool people in dim light to be the original creature. You can also use your action to move them as well. They can move 10 feet each, and you can cause them to deal 1d6 times the distance traveled bludgeoning damage if you ram them into a creature or object. The more detailed minions can do the same.

Metal Technique List

Metal bending.gif
When you need armor in a hurry...

Basic Techniques

Metallic Mending

Magnetize (metal bending, not magnetism)

Advanced Techniques

1st Level

Detect Metal


Metal Projectile

2nd Level

Metal Armor: Basically Earthen Armor, but it adds an additional 3 to your AC.

3rd Level

Metal Block: If there is metal within 5 feet of you, when someone attacks you, you can use your reaction to bend the metal into the path of the attack. This increases your AC by 5 for 30 seconds.

4th Level

Greater Metal Projectile: Simply a stronger version of Metal Projectile. Deals 6d10 bludgeoning damage.

5th Level

Armor Control: You use your action to focus your bending on the armor of a creature. If it’s not a full set of armor, like studded leather armor or a breastplate, you can rip it off or try to pull the creature towards you. In both instances, the wearer of the armor must make a Strength saving throw. On a success, they don’t move and they keep their armor. A failure results in whichever event you choose. If they have more than one piece of armor, like a helmet or gauntlets, they have to make a saving throw for each piece of armor. (A pair of gloves or a pair of boots is treated as one piece of armor) If they are wearing full metal armor, you can choose to use them like a puppet. They must make a Strength saving throw with disadvantage, and if they fail, you can move them up to 30 feet and make an attack with whatever weapons they have on them. You can also choose to try to crush the target that’s wearing full armor. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw. A failure results in taking 6d8 force damage, as well as being incapacitated until the end of their next three turns. A success results only in half damage.

Lava Technique List

Lava bending.gif
You thought Fire Benders were hot stuff?

Basic Techniques

Corroding Strike (with lava)

Magma Claw

Advanced Techniques

1st Level

Lava Orb

Sling Lava

Walk on Lava: As a reaction, when you walk through lava, you can cause it to harden for a moment as you walk over it. You cannot end your movement in lava, however.

2nd Level


3rd Level


4th Level

Lava Burst

Lava Line

5th Level

Control Lava

6th Level

Lava Surge

7th Level

Moat of Lava

8th Level


9th Level

Magmatic Quake

Sand Technique List

Sand bending.gif
Very refined sand, apparently.

Basic Techniques

Sand Blast


Advanced Techniques

1st Level

Dirty Trick

Sand Blast

Sandy Hands: You cover your hands with a solid layer of sand as a bonus action. Your unarmed strikes now deal an extra 1d6 slashing damage as the sand scraps the skin of your foes. While climbing, you have amazing grip, and you don’t have to consume an extra foot of movement for each foot climbed. This lasts for 1 minute. Casting this spell at higher levels adds another d6 of damage.

2nd Level


3rd Level

Wall of Sand

Meld with Dirt

4th Level

True Grit: You gather dust and sand around you and bend it onto your body as a bonus action. You gain the effects of Sandy Hands, as well as lowering all damage taken by 2 points. Your unarmed strikes now have a chance of blinding the target until the end of their next turn. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. If they fail, they’re blinded, and can take an action to undo the blindness in subsequent turns. When someone attacks you with an unarmed strike, they take 1d6 points of slashing damage because of your sandpaper skin. You gain advantage when attempting to grapple and avoiding being shoved. When someone breaks out of your grapple, they take 1d6 slashing damage. This lasts for 5 minutes.

5th Level

Blinding Flash (with sand)

6th Level

Investiture of Sand: Swirling sand surrounds you and you gain the following benefits:

Ranged attacks directed towards you have disadvantage. Any creature that moves within 5 feet of you for the first time in their turn or ends their turn there take 1d10 slashing damage. Any creature that ends their turn within 15 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw with advantage. If they fail, they become blinded. If they are within 10 feet of you, it’s a normal saving throw. If they are within 5 feet of you, it is with disadvantage. If they become blinded, they cannot attempt to become un-blinded until they are more than 15 feet away from you. They can then attempt another Constitution Saving throw to undo the blindness. You can use your action to create a circle of quicksand that has a radius of 15 feet that is within 60 feet of you. Any creatures inside of the circle must make a Dex saving throw, or become restrained. The area acts like the spell quicksand.

Custom Techniques

The player can attempt to think of their own Earth Bending technique if they so choose. It is up to the DM to determine (a) if the Earth Bender is at a high enough level to accomplish this technique and (b) how many chi points it would cost, as well as casting time (action, bonus action, etc.) A suggestion to the DM for making this decisions would be to look at the Earth Techniques and abilities the Earth Bender already has at this level and compare them to the technique the player wants to create. If you think the custom technique is stronger than what they are currently capable of, you reject the idea, or cause a nasty side effect to occur if they attempt this technique, if you think it's only a little bit outside of their skill level. You could also force them to roll a check or saving throw of some sort to see if they are successful at doing the technique or not. A custom technique takes up 1 spell in the player's Air Spell list.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Earth Bender class, you must meet these prerequisites: you cannot be Bender of another element, and you have to either have some sort of Earth Kingdom ancestry, or Harmonic Convergence happens (Explanation of Harmonic Convergence) and you gain Earth Bending. Talk to your DM to make it work.

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