Gem of Javamak (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item (Jewel), artifact

This Glowing Dark Gem originated from far beneath the earth and it belonged to the demon Javamak. When found in ancient times it was brought to be placed as a display for many people to see in a museum in the kingdom of Kurmel. One day the King visited the museum and saw the gem and many things began to change within the kingdom. The king demanded the crystal for himself, and was gifted it with the owner hoping in future he was shown favor. The king began to change, hearing voices telling him to act certain ways, given supernatural power at times committing heinous acts. Though the worst part was how he would begin to treat many of the people close to him as disposable leading a revolt to happen in the kingdom with the Princess taking hold of the kingdom. She commanded people of the kingdom to take the gem away and place it in a place hidden from the world. Years and generations past as the kingdom which was once ruled with greatness began to deteriorate. Centuries later a man named Dr. Vacnov Tamani discovered this gem in a chasm near the town of Blackwater. It was then that this man met the Demon Javamak and asked him what Tamani wanted and he said to him he wants to become the most powerful man in his lifetime. The Demon agreed that as long as he also carried out requests and offered him what he asked, he would help in ways he can. Tamani was able to use the influence of the gem/Demon to recruit and create the Tamani Organization where he started making deals in order to gain heavily from them such as offering solutions that may be eternally binding. He would often not force people into dealings unless he really felt it was needed. Though there were lose who would not follow through or would backstab him. He the. Had to create or hire people who would take care of problems or people who betrayed and not followed through with him. One of the common people he would hire to do actions like this would be Titus who was a helpful contract killer who hadn’t betrayed him since their first encounter. Through his work he had met many different people and heavily favored those who he saw had talent. One of the people he saw talent in was a man named Calvin who he offered a fine sum of money in order to work for him, though the way he worked he thought was somewhat strange considering the clients he tells him to help with seem to always be asking that Calvin staying away from them and family as a part of the contract. Though Dr. Tamani eventually got backstabbed by Calvin because of the Oldfield Company who also saw value in Calvin. Instead they offered him a sweeter deal and didn’t bind him to a contract of punishment. After this he continued to try and spread his company through any way he could, it be better connections or just making more deals. A couple years on a large earthquake hit that broke the entire town of blackwater, though his company was unaffected through the power that protects it and his employers. Through this difficult time there were many people who have been affected by this and unlike helping people out of goodness like Oldfield he found it a great chance to be making deals going as far as being able to let people talk to their loved ones who died. He became even more powerful through this conflict. |}

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