Dragon Slayer Conclave (5e Subclass)

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<!-Introduction Leader->

Creating a Dragon Slayer

Quick Build

You can make a <!-Dragon Slayer-> quickly by following these suggestions. First, <!-Strength-> should be your highest ability score, followed by <!-Constitution->. Second, choose the <!-background name-> background.

Class Features

As a you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per level after 1st


Armor: unarmed
Weapons: Simple
Tools: Artisan Tolls
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Table: The

Level Proficiency
Features Dragon Roar Dragon's Will
1st +2 Draconic Heritage 2d6 1
2nd +2 Draconic Senses 2d6 2
3rd +2 2d6 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2d6 4
5th +3 2d6 5
6th +3 3d6 6
7th +3 3d6 7
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3d6 8
9th +4 3d6 9
10th +4 3d6 10
11th +4 4d6 11
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4d6 12
13th +5 4d6 13
14th +5 4d6 14
15th +5 4d6 15
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4d6 16
17th +6 5d6 17
18th +6 5d6 18
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5d6 19
20th +6 5d6 20

Draconic Heritage

At 1st level, you chose a Draconic Heritage. Choose between Fire, Iron, lightning, Sky, Poison, Light, and Shadow. All detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at <!-insert the level when subclass features begin-> and again at <!-list all the levels the class gains subclass features. You also gain access to Dragon's Will.

Dragon parent

Starting from a young age you were found by a Dragon, taken in, raised, and taught how to use your inner dragon to use the elements. Although most people would believe that your element would match your Draconic parent that is not always the case. If this is the case then you element has been influenced by your surroundings. For example no dragon has the element Iron, so this development could have come from living deep in a cave rich with iron ore.

Dragon's Will

Dragon's Will is the strength of your inner dragon and is represented as points used to create some of the stronger abilities that dragon slayers get access to or to give more control to the ones that don't need Dragon's Will points to use. Your level determines how much Dragon's will you have at any given level. Once used you must use a short or long rest to recover any lost Dragon's Will. Some Dragon's will abilities

Dragon Roar

You can use your action to release torrent of energy from you mouth just like a dragon. The type of roar and damage it deals depends on your Heritage. Anyone caught in the roar must make a dex save and takes 2d6 of you element's damage on a fail and half as much on a success. As you grow as a Slayer so does your roar shown by the roar column on the Dragon slayer table.

You can use this up to a number of time equal to your Con modifier.

Unarmored Defense

While not wearing any while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Con modifier + your Dex modifier.

Draconic Senses

At 2nd level, due to your parent helping you unlock your inner dragon you have gained enhanced smell and hearing. Gain proficiency in perception, if already proficient gain expertise. You also gain advantage on survival and investigation checks used to track if you know the scent of what you are tracking, or you have something with it's scent on it.

Draconic Inhalation

When an effect within 30ft of you would cause you element's damage(minus Iron) you can use you reaction to inhale the attack causing an area of effect to deal half damage unless within 5 feet from the center then you cancel the damage entirely. You also gain Dragon Will points equal to the spell's level, if the effect is a spell, up to you max Will points.

If you eat a none magical version of your element then you gain one will point for every 5 cubic feet you eat.

For Iron dragon slayers you use your reaction to block an attack using a metal object and take a bite out of it causing the weapon to gain -1. You also regain 2 points per bite. If the item was magical regain 4 points.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Enhanced Scales

At level 7 the scales that subtlety cover you bodies have become nearly indestructible when dealing with your element. You now gain immunity to your element determined by your Heritage. Iron Dragon slayers are now resistant to all forms of slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning.

<!-Class Feature->

<!-Class feature game rule information->

Dragon Force

At level 18 your inner dragon has become so strong that it is able to actually alter your form to resemble the features of the dragons. You can use your bonus action to activate Dragon Force for 2d4+2 rounds and gain a +3 to your AC. You also gain advantage on strength and CON checks and enemies have disadvantage against your breath attack. Dragon force also increases the hardness of you fist adding 1d6 to your unarmed strikes. Once over gain 2 levels of exhaustion and are unable to reenter until both levels gained from the previous use are gone.

Draconic Body

At level 20 add 2 to your strength and ____ increasing their max by 2 as well.

Fire Dragon Slayer

Fire dragon Slayers are raised by Fire dragons and have a fiery personality, which is represented in their fighting style. When you make this your Heritage you can make your punches deal fire instead of the normal bludgeoning damage, and gain resistance to fire damage.

Fire Dragon's Will
Beginner Techniques

At 3rd level you gain access to these Dragon's Will abilities Fire Dragon: Wing Attack and Sword Horn.

Fire Dragon's Wing attack

You can use two Will points to target two enemies that are within ten feet of each other and roll to hit using . On a hit they take 2d6 fire damage. By using more Will points the area of effect increases by five feet and can target 2 more enemies. Those hit by this must make a strength ckeck or by pushed back 15ft. The damage becomes 2d8 at ___ level, 3d6 at ___ level, 3d8 at ____, and 4d8 at 20th level.

Fire Dragon's Sword Horn

By using three Will points and moving at least 10 feet towards the target, make an attack role as you ignite you whole body and slam into the target with a fiery headbutt causing 3d8. They then need to make a strength saving throw or be knocked prone. The damage becomes 5d6 at ___ level, 4d8 at ___ level, 6d6 at ____, and 5d8 at 20th level.

Fire Dragon's Will
Intermediate Techniques

At 6th

Fire Dragon's Will
Advance Techniques

At 11th

Fire Dragon's Will
Master Techniques

At 17th

Iron Dragon Slayer

Iron dragon slayers are some of the colder and more stoic of the slayers. When you make this your Heritage your punches are as hard as iron and bypass immunity and resistances to none magical bludgeoning, and gain resistance to slashing and piercing damage. You also use 12 + your Con modifier + your Dex modifier for your armor class.

Iron Dragon Will Beginner techniques

At 3rd gain the Will technique Iron Dragon's Club and Sword

Iron Dragon's Club

You can use one Dragon's Will point to cause the iron in your body to collect at you fist causing it to extend its reach to 10ft. For every 2 extra Will points used increase the distance by 5 ft.

Iron Dragon's Sword

As a bonus action you can use 2 Will points to cause you are to take on the properties of a serrated sword for 3 rounds. This sword uses the same statistics of a great sword. You must spend 2 more Will points at the end of you third turn to keep the sword. When ever you use you Dragon inhalation while your arm is in sword form, if it was a magical blade your sword gains its properties to the DM's discretion. If the metal was magical gain plus one to your sword.

<!-Class Feature->

At 6th

<!-Class Feature->

At 11th

<!-Class Feature->

At 17th

Lighting Dragon Slayer

Lighting dragon slayers are some of the more prideful Slayers due to their enhanced speed from their lighting making them some of the harder ones to hit. When you make this your Heritage you can make your punches deal lighting damage instead of the normal bludgeoning damage, and gain resistance to lighting damage.

<!-Class Feature->

<At 3rd


At 6th you become so in tune with your inner lighting that you can turn into a blot a lighting for a instant to dodge out of the way of certain attacks. When making a dex save that involves taking damage you take half on a fail and no damage on a success.

<!-Class Feature->

At 11th

<!-Class Feature->

At 17th

Sky Dragon Slayer

Sky dragon slayer are considered the weakest when it comes to combat prowess, but they make up for it with their ability heal and even buff those around them. When you make this your Heritage you can make your punches deal force damage instead of the normal bludgeoning damage, and gain resistance to ____ damage.

<!-Class Feature->

<At 3rd

<!-Class Feature->

At 6th

<!-Class Feature->

At 11th

<!-Class Feature->

At 17th

Poison Dragon Slayer

Poison dragon slayers are the more sly dragon slayers. They focus on weakening their enemies over time by sending poison through their veins. When you make this your Heritage you can make your punches deal poison damage instead of the normal bludgeoning damage(if used on a construct the poison is also potent enough to corrode the construct material, dealing acid damage.), and gain resistance to poison damage.

<!-Class Feature->

<At 3rd

<!-Class Feature->

At 6th

<!-Class Feature->

At 11th

<!-Class Feature->

At 17th

Light Dragon Slayer

Light dragon slayers are generally have a bright attuited matching their element. When you make this your Heritage you can make your punches deal radiant damage instead of the normal bludgeoning damage, and gain resistance to radiant damage.

<!-Class Feature->

<At 3rd

<!-Class Feature->

At 6th

<!-Class Feature->

At 11th

<!-Class Feature->

At 17th

Shadow Dragon Slayer

Shadow dragons slayers the recluse and quiet of the slayers for they prefer to stay in the shadows. When you make this your Heritage you can make your punches deal necrotic damage instead of the normal bludgeoning damage, and gain resistance to necrotic damage.

<!-Class Feature->

<At 3rd

<!-Class Feature->

At 6th

<!-Class Feature->

At 11th

<!-Class Feature->

At 17th


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Dragon Slayers class,you must meet these prerequisites: Strength 14 and ____13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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