Tuning Forks of the Bards (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a bard)

These very rare items were created by an ancient bardic college and work only for Bards. Each golden tuning fork will produce a very pure note when struck with a hard object. Each can also be used once per day (unless otherwise specified) by a Bard as a spell focus, with the effects noted below. The various tuning forks may not work with specific spells or categories of spells, at DM discretion.

Tuning Fork of the Soloist – replaces any spell of levels 1 – 3 cast using the tuning fork as a focus in memory with the identical spell.

Tuning Fork of the Duet – duplicates a spell so that two are cast at once. The spells are not identical and e.g. require separate damage rolls, may be placed at different locations within range, etc. One only spell from the Bard’s daily allotment is used.

Tuning Fork of the Trio – the spell is cast as if it was at one level higher than the slot actually used. This may add damage dice, add area of effect or duration, etc.

Tuning Fork of the Quartet – the spell is cast as if it was two levels higher than the slot actually used. This may add damage dice, add area of effect or duration, etc.

Tuning Fork of the Choir – the is cast as if dice had been rolled at their maximum (e.g. all 8’s, for example). The spell will have maximum damage or healing effect, etc.

Tuning Fork of the Orchestra – usable only once per week, allows the Bard to distribute the area of effect of the spell among cubic or circular 10’ area within range. For example a Fireball or Silence spell could be cast impacting only specified areas.

Tuning Fork of the Old Masters – usable only once per week, allows a cast spell to be replaced with another spell of the same level from the Bard’s repertoire of known spells.

Prestissimo Tuning Fork – usable only once per week, allows a spell cast with the tuning fork to be delayed and then cast as a free action at a time of the Bard’s choosing. The affected spell can be cast even if the fork is not in the Bard’s possession, and the open spell slot can be filled as usual after the next long rest. The spell is lost if not used within the week or if the tuning fork is destroyed or on a different plane of existence.

Sotto Voce Tunning Fork – allows a spell to be cast without its verbal component.

Con Audacia Tunning Fork – allows a spell to be cast without its material component.

Liberamente Tuning Fork – allows the spell range to be doubled.

Determinato Tuning Fork – allows the spell duration to be doubled.

Crescendo Tuning Fork – allows the Bard to replace a spell’s damage type with Thunder damage.

Ardito Tuning Fork – adds +2 to the spell’s save DC.

Decisio Tuning Fork – adds +4 to the spell’s save DC.

Caesura Tuning Fork – unlike the other forks, this one, when struck, creates the effect of a Silence spell emanating from the fork. The effect can be up to a 30’ radius, controllable by the Bard in 1 foot increments. The effect lasts up to 10 minutes, will move with the fork, e.g., if carried by the Bard, and does not require Concentration. The effect ends if the fork’s vibration is ended in some way, such as by holding the tines.

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