Plant Controller (5e Feat)

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Revision as of 18:55, 28 November 2020 by Anastacio (talk | contribs)
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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: Feats aren't restricted to classes in 5e, neither do skills have ranks, this is a 3.5 thing. Also, you don't define what is a scarecrow. This seems to be more appropriated as a spell than as a feat.

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Plant Controller

Prerequisites: Nature +4 or higher or Any levels in Druid
You use your Mastery over plants to call upon Scarecrows as your allies

As an action, while outdoors you may magically call 1 Scarecrow. The called creature arrives in 1d4 rounds, acting as your ally and obeying your spoken commands. The Scarecrow remains for 1 hour, and can be dismissed as a bonus action. after which you can not use this feat until you have finished a long rest. You may not call on more than one at any time.

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