Fire Nation (Avatar Supplement)

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The Fire Nation is located on an archipelago of tropical volcanic islands, many still active, that gives the nation an unlimited source of power. Because of a warm and humid climate, the Fire Nation is home to a variety of native flora and fauna, though the main islands largely consist of rough, grassy plains bearing little wildlife.


The Fire Nation is the second-largest nation in terms of area, following the Earth Kingdom, while its economy is the most powerful in the world; its strong industrial sector and extensive technological developments not only enabled the Fire Nation to create an extremely powerful military, but also initiated the worldwide modernization and globalization. There is minor degree of physical diversity among members of the Fire Nation. Its citizens tend to have black or brown hair, often styled in a bun or ponytail. Their eyes are usually golden, amber, or bronze in color, with brown and gray as rare alternatives. The people often have light skin tones, though many poorer citizens have darker complexions.

Culture and Customs

The Fire Nation oath, titled "The March to Civilization", is a characteristic and important cultural element, demonstrated by its teaching to children in schools with demureness and recited thoughtfully. Children are taught that the Fire Nation is the greatest civilization that exists, that the war is its way of sharing its greatness, along with the ideology that the Fire Lord and his family are great people who are helping the world. Fire Nation society places a great emphasis on respect and honor, especially toward the nobility and elders; the concept of the famed Agni Kai stems from these beliefs. Should one be honored enough to be in the presence of a member of the Royal Family, that person needs to prostrate themselves in respect or risk being challenged to an Agni Kai to avenge the disrespected Royal's honor. Upon coming into contact with an elder or superior, it is polite to bow down. Unlike in other parts of the world, this bow consists in placing a hand in a straight fashion with the other fist placed underneath it vertically. This represents the superior standing with one below him, bowing. Also when receiving an order in the Fire Nation by a superior it is common to not bow, but make the hand symbol. Bowing is required upon greeting to one, when something nice has happened, after business, and leaving.

National Emblem

The national emblem of the Fire Nation is a stylized, teardrop-shaped flame forked into a trident of three tongues that taper upward to a point.


The Fire Nation's dominant season is summer. The climate in the Fire Nation varies, though most regions have a tropical or arid subtropical climate, and many areas experience high average temperatures year-round.

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