Ronin (5e Class)
Prestige Class: Ronin
In japanese, Ronin can be translated as "Wave-Man", though a more common application of the word is "Drifter" or "Wanderer", which precisely describes the way of life of a Ronin, who was once a paragon of honor and nobility, but due to a certain event in his past, he was cast away from that life and from his old ideals.
Ronin specialize in samurai weapon - those being the Wakizashi, Katana, Nodachi, Naginata, Yari and Yumi, mastering the way of the blade and bow, choosing a favorite weapon to cut through their enemies, but always carrying a heavy burden on their shoulders, whatever it is their fault or not that they carry it.
Vagrants in nature, Ronin grow through an ordeal they must face to reach rendemption, attone for his past, or to take revenge on those who wronged them. Through their travels they learn and grow, and never end their journey the same as they started it.
To qualify for multiclassing into the Ronin class, you must meet these prerequisites:
Alignment. Ronin were once paragons of honor and duty, but now, are a shell of their former selves. To qualify into the Ronin Class, one must have been of a lawful alignment, but must have changed the alignment into any non-lawful.
Ability Scores. A Ronin must have at least an ability score of 13 in both Strength and Dexterity.
Proficiency. A Ronin must be proficient in history, performance, and at least one of the following:
- Shortsword (Wakizashi)
- Longsword (Katana)
- Greatsword (Nodachi)
- Glaive (Naginata)
- Spear (Yari)
- Long Bow (Yumi)
Character Level. At last, a Ronin must be a Paladin, Fighter, Barbarian, Rogue, Monk or Ranger of at least Level 5. A Warlock that has taken the Pact of the Blade feature may also be qualified for this Prestige Class, if he is at the 5th Level.
Betrayal. A ronin is a drifter who carries a heavy burden, generally meaning that he was betrayed or he was the betrayer in his story. Whatever the betraying factor was, the Ronin is a flawed, broken character that had his past ideals shattered. To classify as a ronin, one must have been betrayed by someone or something (an ideal, maybe), or is one who has betrayed an important person (or ideal). This condition may be fulfilled in the character's backstory.
Class Features
As a Ronin you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Ronin level
Hit Points per Level: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Ronin level
- Proficiencies
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Sudden Strike Damage |
1st | Infamy, Sudden Strike, Favorite Weapon | 1d6 | |
2nd | Banzai Charge, Combat Focus | 1d6 | |
3rd | Journey of Learning | 2d6 | |
4th | Ability Score Increase | 2d6 | |
5th | Extra Attack, Journey of Learning | 2d6 | |
6th | Staredown, Improved Initiative | 3d6 | |
7th | Combat Focus Feature, Journey of Learning | 3d6 | |
8th | Ability Score Increase | 3d6 | |
9th | Frightful Presence, Journey of Learning | 4d6 | |
10th | Redemption | 4d6 |
The ronin’s reputation for dishonor—deserved or not—follows him everywhere. When you take this prestige class, you gain proficiency in the Intimidation and Persuasion Skills.
Sudden Strike
Once per turn, once you hit an enemy with a melee weapon attack while a friendly creature is within 5 ft. of the target, you may spend your reaction to deal 1d6 bonus damage, but only if you're using your favorite weapon. The Bonus Damage increases as you gain Ronin Levels according to the Ronin Table. You may not use this feature if you are wearing heavy armor.
Favorite Weapon
Choose one type of Samurai Weapon from the list below. It becomes your favorite weapon and, while attacking with it, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with the chosen weapon type. At the 5th and 10th levels subsequently, the bonus increases to +2 and then +3.
- Shortsword (Wakizashi)
- Longsword (Katana)
- Greatsword (Nodachi)
- Glaive (Naginata)
- Spear (Yari)
- Long Bow (Yumi)
Banzai Charge
The ronin has cast away the code of bushido and at least a measure of his own honor, but his heart still remembers the thrill of bravery. When a ronin of 2nd level or higher charges into battle, he can accept a variable penalty to his Armor Class and take an equivalent bonus on the damage roll. Once you roll for initiative, you may choose to reduce your Armor Class by a minimum of 2 and a maximum equal to your Ronin Level and gain bonus damage in that combat equal to the amount of AC reduced. For example, a 2nd-level ronin making a banzai charge could take a –2 penalty to AC in exchange for a +2 bonus on damage rolls until the end of the combat.
Combat Focus
A Ronin of 2nd Level may choose a martial path to follow, from the paths listed below. There are three available paths, each with its own features. The Ronin gets a Combat Focus feature at the 2nd Level, and a second feature at the 7th level.
Path of the Sword Saint. A Ronin that choses the Path of the Sword Saint prefers Long Blades like the Katana or the Nodachi. At the 2nd Level, gain the Blade Mastery Feat. At the 7th Level, while wielding a Longsword or a Greatsword, but no other weapons, you permanently gain +1 AC and as a bonus action in any of your turns, you may sheath your favorite weapon and prepare to attack in the next turn. In the following turn, you may strike as you unsheath your weapon as part of the attack action, gaining advantadge on the first attack you make this turn with your favorite weapon.
Path of the Two as One. A Ronin that choses the Path of the Two as One prefers pure offensive prowess, wielding two blades. Choose a second weapon from the Samurai Weapon list and it also becomes your favorite weapon. At the 2nd Level, gain the Dual Wielder feat. At the 7th Level, if you're wielding a Shortsword in your off-hand, whenever you spent a bonus action to attack with your off-hand weapon, you may attack a second time with it. Also at the 7th level, you gain the Two-Weapon Fighting Style if you do not have it already.
Path of the Warlord. A Ronin that choses the Path of the Warlord prefers classical martial weapons from the Samurai, like the Yumi, Yari and the Naginata. At the 2nd Level, you may choose between the Polearm Master Feat, Spear Mastery Feat or the Sharpshooter Feat and gain the selected feat. At the 7th level, raise the damage category of any Longbows, Spears and Glaives wielded by you by one size (Longbow's d8 becomes d10, Glaive's d10 becomes d12 and the Spear's Damage is increased to d8 from d6, or d10 from d8 if you took the Spear Mastery Feat. Also, since the Spear is versatile, it's damage while wielded with two hands is increased from d8 to d10, or d10 to d12 if you took the Spear Mastery Feat).
Journey of Learning
Your drifting made you wiser and smarter. At the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th levels, you may choose and gain a feat from the list below. You must fulfill the requirements for the chosen feat as well.
- Actor
- Alert
- Athlete
- Durable
- Heavy Armor Master
- Inspiring Leader
- Linguist
- Mage Slayer
- Medium Armor Master
- Martial Adept
- Mobile
- Mounted Combatant
- Observant
- Resilient
- Sentinel
- Skilled
- Tavern Brawler
- Tough
- Weapon Master
Ability Score Increase
When you reach 4th level, and again at the 8th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th Level, you can Attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on Your Turn. If you already has an Extra Attack feature from another class, you gain a another feat from the Journey of Learning feature.
Your intimidating aura grows. Beggining at the 6th Level, Since you're already proficient in the Intimidation skill, double your proficiency bonus at Intimidation, as you gain expertise in it. If, for some reason, you are not proficient in Intimidation, you still gain expertise.
Improved Initiative
Starting from the 6th Level, you may add your proficiency bonus to your initiative rolls.
Frightful Presence
Everytime you start a combat in the 9th level and afterwards, you may force every enemy within 30 ft. of you to make a Wisdom Saving Throw. Creatures that fail the saving throw becomes frightened for 1 minute, but they may repeat the saving throw on the final of each of it's turn to break free from the condition. The DC of the save is 8 + You Charisma Modifier + Your Proficiency Bonus. You may use this feature a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus rounded down. You regain the uses of this feature after your complete a long rest.
Fulfilling your ordeal of redemption, you may once again follow the path of law and honor with all your devotion, meaning that you no longer need to follow a non-lawful alignment to be a Ronin. Also, whenever you use your Banzai Charge feature, you gain double the AC reduced (by the Banzai Charge feature) in Temporary Hit Points.
Finally, your critical range increases by 1, meaning that (normally) you will deal critical damage whenever you roll a 19 or a 20, or, if you already do that, you deal critical damage whenever you roll 18-20 (which means that whatever number you have to roll to apply a critical hit, you have to roll 1 less, e.g.: If you are a Fighter that has the Champion Archetype, you have a feature that makes your critical hits apply when you roll a 19 or 20, but with this feature, a Champion Fighter would deal critical hits whenever he rolled 18, 19 or 20).
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