Enchanted Lich Robes (5e Equipment)

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|style="width:75%"| Armor (Robe), Legendary (To attune to this item, you must have the ability to cast as least one noncantrip spell from a class (spells acquired from races do not count).You must spend at least 1 hour wearing this robe. After that, you must kill a creature and pour at least one quart of its blood on the robe, which it consumes, to finish attuning to this item. Completely taking off the robe at any point before pouring the blood on the robe to attune to it will make you lose all previous progress made to attune to it.)

While attuned, the wearer can use their reaction to put up a thin barrier around the robe to reduce incoming damage before they know how much damage it does and has an AC equal to 10+your Intelligence modifier+your Constitution modifier. The amount of damage reduced from spell attacks is equal to your intelligence modifier (INT) times 5 (if there is a weapon that deals extra damage from magic, then treat the magical damage and normal damage as separate to be reduced by this item individually), ranged weapon attacks by your INT times 3, and melee attacks by your INT with no multipliers. The robe must have the blood of a dead creature poured on it, which it consumes, to keep its magical properties, causing it to turn midnight black for a few seconds. For every quart of blood poured on the robe, it keeps its power for a number of days relative to the CR of the creature the blood came from. |}

Note: The creature the blood comes from doesn't have to be killed by the wearer unless it is the blood to attune to the robe, otherwise, as long as the blood is from a dead creature then it will work (if it is taken from undead then it doesn't count unless the blood was poured before they became undead.
Table: Ability Duration per CR
CR Duration
0 30 min
1/8 1 hr
1/4 3 hr
1/2 7 hr
1 12 hr
2 18 hr
3 36 hr
4 2 days
5 4 days
6 7 days
7 10 days
8 15 days
9 20 days
10 30 days
11 42 days
12 55 days
13 70 days
14 60 days
15 90 days
16 130 days
17 175 days
18 225 days
19 290 days
20 370 days
For challenge ratings above 20, use this equation: days=7.5(CR)^{2}-212.5(CR)+1620 (the "^{2}" means squared. Trust me, this works)
*A day officially starts at dawn. To make keeping track of when the blood wears off, count the day as starting at the most recent dawn or the next one if it is at night.

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