Chakra Tags (5e Equipment)

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Note: These items are meant to work alongside Naruto:_Shinobi_(5e_Class) and the Basic Jutsu unlocked with it.

The tags can be removed with a succesful Strength Check and can be hijacked by any Chakra user with a succesful check using their spellcasting modifier. The DC is equal to your spell save DC but can be increased by 1 for every additional chakra point spent on the seals. The tags can also be given a precise condition, unlike the normal seals which can only be given a vague condition.

The Elemental_Ink_(5e_Equipment) can be used for the tags fitting the prerequisites.

Cost: Varies
Weight: 0.01 lbs

Explosive Tags

Paper Bomb

cost: 5 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for an Explosive Seal increases the range and yield of the explosion as well as reduces casting time. Any Explosive Seal created on this tag increases it's range by 10 feet and deals an extra 2d6 fire damage. Casting time is reduced by 10 seconds.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Explosive seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Superior Paper Bomb

cost: 20 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for an Explosive Seal increases the range and yield of the explosion as well as reduces casting time. Any Explosive Seal created on this tag increases it's range by 20 feet and deals an extra 4d6 fire damage. Casting time is reduced by 10 seconds.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Explosive seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Greater Paper Bomb

cost: 35 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for an Explosive Seal increases the range and yield of the explosion as well as reduces casting time. Any Explosive Seal created on this tag increases it's range by 30 feet and deals an extra 6d6 fire damage. Casting time is reduced by 10 seconds.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Explosive seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Demolition Paper Bomb

cost: 40 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for an Explosive Seal increases the range and yield of the explosion as well as the damage dealt to structures by shaking and cracking its foundations, it also reduces casting time. Any Explosive Seal created on this tag increases it's range by 50 feet and deals an extra 4d6 fire damage. The explosion deals double damage to structures.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Explosive seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.


Stun Tags

Paralysis Tag

cost: 15 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Paralysis Seal increases the range by 5 feet and reduces casting time by 10 seconds. It also causes every affected creature to make their saving throws at disadvantage.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Paralysis seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Superior Paralysis Tag

cost: 30 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Paralysis Seal increases the range by 10 feet and reduces casting time by 10 seconds. It also causes every affected creature to make their saving throws at disadvantage.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Paralysis seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Greater Paralysis Tag

cost: 40 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Paralysis Seal increases the range by 15 feet and reduces casting time by 10 seconds. It also causes every affected creature to make their saving throws at disadvantage.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Paralysis seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Crowd Control Paralysis Tag

cost: 50 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Paralysis Seal has been enhanced for crowd control. It increases the range by 50 feet but doesn't reduce casting time. It also causes every affected creature to make their saving throws at disadvantage while increasing the DC by 5.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Paralysis seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Stinger Paralysis Tag

cost: 35 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically was created using a method similar to the Explosive Seal, despite being meant for a Paralysis Seal. It increases the range by 10 feet but doesn't reduce casting time. It causes every creature within range to take 2d6 Lightning damage + 1d6 for every 2 chakra spent to a maximum of 4d6. Every creature within range must then pass a Constitution saving throw at disadvantage or suffer from the effects of the Paralysis Seal.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Paralysis seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.


Heal Tags

Healing Tag

cost: 60 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Healing Seal increases the range and potential of the healing pulse. Any Healing Seal created on this tag increases its range by 10 feat and heals for an additional 2d6.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Healing seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Superior Healing Tag

cost: 100 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Healing Seal increases the range and potential of the healing pulse. Any Healing Seal created on this tag increases its range by 20 feet and heals for an additional 4d6.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Healing seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Greater Healing Tag

cost: 150 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Healing Seal increases the range and potential of the healing pulse. Any Healing Seal created on this tag increases its range by 30 feet and heals for an additional 6d6.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Healing seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Lingering Healing Tag

cost: 50 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Healing Seal alters its properties while increasing its range. Any Healing Seal created on this tag increases its range by 10 feet and heals anyone in its radius for 1d4 instead of 1d6. This benefit cannot be recieved more than once a turn. The seal on this tag lasts for 2 + your spell casting modifier in rounds.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Healing seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Superior Lingering Healing Tag

cost: 75 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Healing Seal alters its properties while increasing its range. Any Healing Seal created on this tag increases its range by 20 feet and heals anyone in its radius for 2d4 instead of 1d6. This benefit cannot be recieved more than once a turn. The seal on this tag lasts for 2 + your spell casting modifier in rounds.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Healing seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Greater Lingering Healing Tag

cost: 125 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Healing Seal alters its properties while increasing its range. Any Healing Seal created on this tag increases its range by 30 feet and heals anyone in its radius for 3d4 instead of 1d6. This benefit cannot be recieved more than once a turn. The seal on this tag lasts for 2 + your spell casting modifier in rounds.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Healing seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.


Seal Tags

Sealing Tag

cost: 20 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Sealing Seal increases its duration by 1 minute. It also causes every affected creature to make their saving throws with disadvantage.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Sealing seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Radial Sealing Tag

cost: 20 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Sealing seal alters its properties while increasing its range and duration. Any Sealing Seal created on this tag increases its range by 10 feet + 5 for every 2 chakra spent on the seal. Any creature inside the radius loses their ability to cast spells or spend any resource (such as Ki, Chakra, Psi etc.).

Movement Sealing Tag

cost: 15 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Sealing Seal alters its properties while increasing its range and duration. Any Paralysis Seal created on this tag increases its range by 15 feet and increases its duration by 30 seconds. Affected creatures instead suffer from the effects of the "Slow" spell. Any creature touching the tag makes the saving throws at disadvantage.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Sealing seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Superior Movement Sealing Tag

cost: 30 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Sealing Seal alters its properties while increasing its range and duration. Any Paralysis Seal created on this tag increases its range by 30 feet and increases its duration by 1 minute. Affected creatures instead suffer from the effects of the "Slow" spell and must make the saving throws at disadvantage. Any creature touching the tag automatically fails the saving throws.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Sealing seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.

Structure Sealing Tag

cost: 40 gp

weight: 0.01 lbs

This tag specifically created for a Sealing Seal alters its properties to instead affect structures. When placed on anything that can be closed (chest, building, etc), the tag will seal that item closed. The tag cannot be removed except by the original placer or by a dispel magic spell. The tag counts as a 3rd level spell for the purpose of Dispel Magic, and can be increased by spending 2 Chakra points per spell level above 3rd. The seal lasts until dispelled.

This seal can be crafted at half the cost by any creature knowing the Sealing seal (Ie. Any Shinobi) by using the Calligrapher's tools.


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