Forgotin (4e Race)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: The Forgotin can learn 4 languages total included a typically forbidden language, need an additional ability score choice, should have some racial traits that actually do something, should have the immortal origin. With the powers, You don't need an at-will racial that's simply an attack. Bonuses to defenses shouldn't increase with level, and Wingstorm is quite powerful for a racial ability, though it could be fine with some tweaks.

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The Forgotin are the long-lost third order of angels from the war in heaven. Their refusal to fight their brothers and sisters cost them their place in the heavens.

Racial Traits
Average Height: 6'-7'
Average Weight: 150 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 dexterity, +2 charisma
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Normal, Darkvision, Lowlight Vision
Languages: Common, Celestial, your choice of two others
Skill Bonuses: +2 Religion, +2 History
Immortal Being: You are unaffected by aging.
Angelic Abilities: When you gain the oppurtunity for a new power, you can replace said power for a Forgotin racial power of the same usage type.

Wing Blade Forgotin Racial Power
As you beat your wings heavily, some of your feathers fly off at such a high speed that they damage your opponents.
At-Will Star.gif At-Will, Forgotin
Minor Action Ranged 8
Target: One Creature
Attack: Dexterity +2 Vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Dexterity
Special: This is a Forgotin Racial Power

Wing Shield Forgotin Racial Power
Wrapping your wings around your body, you protect yourself from your attackers.
Encounter Star.gif Standard, Forgotin, Personal
Minor Action Self
You gain +2 to your defenses until the beginning of your next turn. Add +1 to the overall bonus every 6 levels.
Special: This is a Forgotin Racial Power

Wing Storm Forgotin Racial Power
Spinning in a tight circle, you strike any foes around you with a barrage of your sharpened feathers.
Daily Star.gif Daily, Forgotin
Standard Action Ranged burst 2 within 5 squares of origin
Target: Any creature in burst range
Attack: Dexterity +4 Vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + dexterity mod damage to all creatures in burst area.
This attack tries to hit all opponents in the burst range, with each opponent requiring a seperate attack roll.
Special: This is a Forgotin Racial Power

Forgotin are usually very quiet and have an unapproachable demeanor, however they are also quite profound due to their innumerable lifetime. They tend to put down those who worship deities because of their everlasting grudge.

Play a Forgotin if you want...

  • To play a cast down, revenge driven Dark Angel.
  • To strive to carve out an existence for yourself despite the godly odds against you.
  • To be a member of a race that favors the Fighter, Monk, and Warlock classes.

Physical Qualities

Forgotin can be recognised very easily by their large, black wings sprouting out of their backs. But, unless the person identifying them is old beyond compare, or a religious zealot, they will not know them as a specific race. Their eyes are smoky(literally), and at times, wisps of this smoke have been said to be seen escaping their eyes when agitated or angered.

Standing around six and a half feet tall, Forgotin would be an imposing presense, if not for their unatural beauty and grace. As cast down versions of the pinnacle of life, they have no imperfections, except for those that they have gained through battle. Scars are very common among them, as they seek to better themselves in the eyes of their creator. They generally wear modest clothing, but there are always some exceptions. They tend to strive to be redeemed so much to the point of seeking out and fighting other angelic beings, but this is an exception, not the rule, to them as a whole.

Playing a Forgotin

Forgotin are always neutral or unalligned. They tend to always go to the defense if there is a fight around them, always trying to get the two opposing forces to come to a mutually beneficial agreement of cease fire, or at least tenuous peace. If they are unable to have this happen, they will generally fight to subdue first the weakest, then the stronger of the opposing forces, to get them to 'think clearly' on what they were fighting about.

They favor longswords, and unarmed combat, using their wings only when necessary. They are wanderers, nomads without purpose. But those that find purpose, something to fight for, instead of having to be the peace keepers, they put themselves into that cause with every fiber of their being.

Forgotin Characteristics: Adamant, loyal to a fault, level headed

Male Names: Sanji, Tylon, Solamance, Kairo, Ciento

Female Names: Sanga, Senga, Suki, Ashlei, Jezzyka

Forgotin Adventurers

Three sample Forgotin adventurers are described below.

Tylon is an assassin in the non traditional sense. He only takes jobs that cause strife to be ended, and peace to be wrought in his wake. Using his Wing Blades with more than normal precision, he can enter a secure area, neutralize his target, and escape without a trace.

Sanga is a mage that focuses on burning her foes in a 'righteous' fire, 'purifying' them, and 'saving' them from themselves, stopping them from causing more trouble. She will destroy any number of cultists before they tend to get the picture.

Alikei is a fighter; a used-to-be general in the third division. Now, he wanders the land searching for some semblance of how to get back to his paradise. He combines a divine deadliness with extensive knowledge on many topics in order to accomplish whatever he needs.

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