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Revision as of 14:02, 29 September 2020 by Ctenochaetus (talk | contribs)
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Hello! I'm Ctenochaetus, like the fish. I like homebrewing classes and subclasses.

Stuff I've made


  • Aquamancer (5e Class) - A water mage. Primary features are fullcasting, signature first-level spells that can be cast a limited number of times without expending a spell slot, a familiar-style water elemental with major costs associated, and having your spellcasting ability determined by your subclass.


  • Simplicity Domain (5e Subclass) - A Cleric domain that demands a spellcasting-focused build. I'm currently playing a long-term campaign with a character of this subclass, and I'm very happy with it!
  • Harvest Domain (5e Subclass) - A Cleric domain based on agricultural gods, more fitting to that concept than the Nature domain.
  • Eldritch Secrecy (5e Subclass) - A Wizard arcane tradition that is essentially to warlocks what Theurgy is to clerics.


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