The Lightless Flame (5e Subclass)

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The Lightless Flame

Warlock Subclass

You have made a pact with an extraplanar entity formed of and fueled by the fears of mortals; your patron is associated with the fear of destruction, squandered potential, and fire without comfort or light. This entity is usually unable or unwilling to influence the material plane beyond granting supernatural abilities to those it believes will provide even more fear that it may feed on. If it has chosen you, it either believes you will make the fear of burning pain and loss widespread, or that you yourself will develop into a source of this fear.

Expanded Spell List

The Lightless Flame lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Level Spells
1st level burning hands, disguise self
2nd flaming sphere, heat metal
3rd fireball, glyph of warding
4th fire shield, wall of fire
5th flame strike, seeming
Third Degree

Starting at 1st level, you radiate an intense heat. Any creatures within 5 feet of you must succeed a DC 12 Constitution save or take 1d4 fire damage; you may choose to give creatures advantage on this save. Additionally, you gain resistance to fire damage.


Starting at 6th level, whenever you cast a spell which causes illusory changes to a creature, you can choose to melt their fat and skin to fit their changed form and make the spell stand up to physical scrutiny. The target takes 3d8 fire damage which cannot be healed until the spell ends. If you use this feature on a spell targeting yourself, you can heal from the fire damage as normal.

Twice as Bright

Starting at 10th level, whenever you make a successful spell attack which deals fire damage, any creatures damaged by the spell make a Constitution save, taking 1d6 psychic damage and becoming stunned for 1 round on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success.


Starting at 14th level, your existence refutes any positive associations with heat or fire. When you cast a spell that produces flames or light, it is invisible and casts no light. Spells cast using this feature give advantage on their attack roll.

Your Pact Boon

Each Pact Boon option produces a special creature or an object that reflects your patron's nature.

Pact of the Chain.The familiar given by this boon is aggressive and reckless, and unnaturally warm to the touch.

Pact of the Blade.Your weapon could glow red-hot, or appear to have been partially melted or warped by great heat.

Pact of the Tome.Your Book of Shadows might seem singed around the edges, or the writing in it may have been burnt into the paper.

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