Spawn (5e Disease)

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Spawn can only be contracted by being exposed to a mixture of vampire blood, dragon scales, and Drider venom.


Stage 1: During the first stage, an hour after infection, the victim begins to feel nauseous and dizzy when subjected to light. There are no physical symptoms...yet.

Stage 2: During the second stage, 1.5-2 hours after stage one, the victim experiences a noticeable amount of skin tanning. The Anal cavity begins to center into one point. The victim notices that the upper canine teeth begin to sharpen into fangs.

Stage 3 During the third stage, a day after stage two, the victim's skin color becomes grayish-purple, as the anus, after achieving centralization, bloats and lengthens into an abdomen not unlike a spider’s. This normally causes them to collapse due to the weight of said abdomen. The victim's fangs become longer. The victim also becomes narcissistic.

Stage 4 During the fourth stage, a day after stage three, the victim loses his original legs, and gains 8 spider-like legs. The Victim also begins growing wings, and experiences an unwillingness to go to sleep, along with territoriality.

Stage 5 During the fifth stage, a day after stage four, the victim's wings grow to full size. The victim develops functioning spinnerets. After full optimization of spinnerets, the victim's sex becomes female, if not already, and the victim fully becomes a Drider Spawn.

Stage 6 During the sixth stage, three months after stage five, the victim begins to experience nausea at inappropriate times.

Stage 7 During the seventh stage, three months after stage six, nausea continues to be a problem. Victim begins to take on weight, and their movement rate is reduced by a quarter and a -2 penalty applies to Dexterity.

Stage 8 During the eighth stage, three months after stage seven, nausea ceases. Victim continues taking on weight, and movement rate is reduced by half. They also suffer a -4 penalty to Dexterity and -2 to Strength. They will also has disadvantage on all saving throws.

Stage 9 During the ninth stage, three months after stage eight, the victim becomes constantly nauseous, and sick to their stomach. The victim cannot move because of the weight they have gained. The victim in now incapacitated.

Stage 10 During the tenth and final stage, one hour after stage nine, the victim becomes ravenous, losing the incapacitated condition, the -6 to dexterity, the -2 to strength, and the reduction to speed, and begins eating anything they can find. After eating 64 pounds of food, the victim takes 26(4d12) necrotic damage, and gives birth to 4d12 Drider Spawn. The Drider Spawn will not willingly attack the victim that gave birth to them, and the victim feels drawn to take care of the Spawn.


Spawn can only be cured with a lesser restoration spell.

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